Social development of a preschooler in kindergarten. Topic: Social development of preschool children. Modern programs and concepts of social development. · macro factors are the influence of the country, state, society, political, economic, demographer

Senior preschool age is a period of learning about the world around us, human relationships, conscious communication with peers, active development of physical, creative and cognitive abilities. The game remains the main way of recognizing the environment, although its forms and content are changing. Preparations are underway for the next, completely new stage in the child’s life - schooling.

Social development of personality is a quantitative and qualitative change in personal structures in the process of human formation, his socialization and education. It is a natural and natural phenomenon characteristic of a person who has been in a social environment since birth.

Human social development is continuous, but uneven. Its continuity lies in the constant need for social change, preservation, loss of social experience as a person’s natural social growth. The social in the individual is enriched, gains or loses something, maintains a certain level of possibility in something, etc. The unevenness of social development is expressed in the fact that it does not have a linear and constant character. This process varies depending on many factors, including age, type of temperament, assumptions, the person’s condition, environmental conditions, self-activity, etc. .

Vygotsky L.S. emphasized that social experience is the experience of other people, which is a very significant component in human behavior. In the process of assimilation of this experience, not only children acquire individual knowledge and skills, but also the development of their abilities and the formation of personality. Bodalev A.A. asserts that one’s own experience is only one way to develop in a person the qualities necessary for successful communication with other people.

A historically chosen and culturally fixed system of relations between a child of a certain age and society L.S. Vygotsky defined it as the social situation of development at a given age. The social situation of development is “a completely unique and specific for a given age (5-6 years), exceptional, unique and unrepeatable relationship between the child and the reality around him, primarily social.” For each individual child, it is embodied in his specific relationships with his environment (parents, teacher, peers). These relationships together form the interpersonal situation of the child’s development. The social situation of a child’s development is individual and determined by the adult and individual characteristics of the child, the characteristics of his behavior and activities, the attitude of adults towards the child, the nature of upbringing, and the attitude of peers towards the child.

At 5-7 years old, a child asks a lot of questions and is able to answer many of them himself or come up with his own version of the answer.

The imagination is very developed and the child uses it constantly.

He often attracts attention to show himself off to the world. This is often expressed through bad behavior. Such problems arise due to the fact that the child does not know how else to attract attention to himself. For such a child, negative attention is more important than any attention.

All the time he tests the adult’s strength, wanting to get what he wants. It is difficult for him to balance his own desires with the needs of those around him.

The ability to communicate with adults and peers plays a special role in the social development of a child’s personality. Development of tolerance in communication. The child acquires basic communication skills during play.

Relationships with other people begin and develop intensively in childhood. The experience of these first relationships is the foundation for the further development of the child’s personality and largely determines the characteristics of a person’s self-awareness, his attitude to the world, his behavior and well-being among people.

At the age of 5-7 years, a mechanism for controlling one’s behavior develops. Through communication with peers, children learn the rules of interaction. The game plays an important role in this. Gradually, it moves from a role-playing game to a game according to the rules. In such games, children learn to set and follow rules, play not only by their own, but also by other people’s rules, negotiate, and give in to each other. He likes to play adult things, imitating the adults who are significant to him. The duration of the game increases.

The need to communicate with peers develops on the basis of children's joint activities - in games, when performing work assignments, etc. The first and most important feature of communication is the wide variety of communicative actions and their extremely wide range. When communicating with peers, the child performs many actions and interactions that are practically not encountered in contacts with adults. He argues with peers, imposes his will, calms, demands, orders, deceives, regrets, and so on. It is in such communication that forms of behavior such as pretense, the desire to express resentment, deliberately not respond to a partner, coquetry, fantasizing, and so on appear.

The child strives for greater independence. He wants and can do a lot on his own, but so far he cannot focus for a long time on what is not interesting to him.

Children are able to appreciate the merits of another child and treat him accordingly in the game.

And therefore, peer communication becomes an important factor in the development of self-image and peer image in preschool age. Direct communication influences the peripheral structure of the self-image, where specific knowledge, skills and some qualities of the child’s personality are assessed. At the initial stage, from the information arriving from the periphery, the core selects only what corresponds to it, i.e. information about a positive attitude towards oneself, everything else is rejected. However, gradually towards the end of preschool childhood, channels of negative information coming from the periphery to the nuclear structures of the image also develop. Thus, peer communication begins to have a deeper impact on the development of a preschooler’s self-image. Simultaneously with this process, the attitude towards the other child also changes: the “invisible mirror image” gives way to interest in him as such, and his image begins to be filled with positive content.

Begins to realize gender differences and therefore asks many questions about it. He also begins to ask questions related to death. Fears may intensify at night and during the period of falling asleep.

By the age of 7, the child is ready to accept new rules, changes in activities and the requirements that will be presented to him at school. Can consider other people's points of view and begin to collaborate with them. He is very focused on external assessment because it is still difficult to form an opinion about himself. He creates his own image from the assessments he hears addressed to him.

He is able to focus not only on activities that interest him, but also on those that require some volitional efforts. But arbitrariness is still taking shape. The child is easily distracted by something new, unexpected, attractive.

The age of 5 - 7 years is another critical period in a child's life. He moves to the next stage of development - the formation of readiness for learning at school. The crisis of seven years is the birth of the child’s social “I”.

By swearing his “I”, asserting himself, the child strives for leadership in communication: he conflicts with peers, realizes his own desires and capabilities, understands that others also have their own interests and rights. He looks for his place among other people and only thanks to this he realizes the boundaries and capabilities of his “I” and comes to adequate self-esteem.

Every child must realize that thinking well and saying good things about oneself is nothing more than a manifestation of self-esteem, helping to gain the self-confidence and self-confidence that many need.

The child loses the spontaneity and impulsiveness characteristic of young children. He begins to comprehend the experiences, generalize them, and his behavior changes accordingly.

There is an active growth in cognitive activity, a transition from gaming to educational activities. New interests and aspirations appear. Children begin to dream about school, their daily routine changes, many children no longer sleep during quiet hours.

A game is a reflection of the life of adults: While playing, a child imitates them, models a variety of sociocultural situations and relationships.

The educational value of the game largely depends on the professional skills of the teacher, on his knowledge of the child’s psychology, taking into account his age and individual abilities, on the correct methodological guidance in the relationships of children, on the precise organization and conduct of all kinds of games.

Changes occur in relationships with adults. Children want more independence, they perceive demands less well, but on their own initiative they do everything well and with pleasure. Interest in strangers increases significantly.

Thus, the social development of an older preschooler is a two-way process, which includes, on the one hand, the older preschooler’s assimilation of social experience, ideals, values ​​and cultural norms by entering the social environment, into a system of social interactions with other people, and on the other hand, a process of active reproduction of social experience, values, norms, standards of behavior through active social activity, personal processing and modification of social experience.

Social and personal development

The full development of children largely depends on the specifics of the social environment, the conditions of their upbringing, and the personal characteristics of their parents. The closest environment of a child is considered to be his parents and close relatives, i.e. his family. It is here that the initial experience of interaction with others is acquired, during which the child develops social stereotypes. It is these that the child then transfers into communication with a wide circle (neighbors, passers-by, children in the yard and in child care institutions, professional workers). A child’s mastery of social norms and patterns of role behavior is usually called socialization, which is considered by well-known researchers as a process of social development through a system of various types of relationships - communication, play, cognition.

The social processes taking place in modern society create the prerequisites for the development of new goals of education, the center of which becomes the individual and his inner world. The foundations that determine the success of personal formation and development are laid in the preschool period. This important stage of life makes children full-fledged individuals and gives rise to qualities that help a person decide in life and find his rightful place in it.

It should be noted that, along with the focus on the acquisition of knowledge, a characteristic feature of the education of preschool children was its pronounced social orientation.

Social development, being the main task of education, begins during the period of primary socialization in infancy and early childhood. At this time, the child receives the necessary life skills to communicate with others.

Subsequently, cultural experience is acquired, aimed at the child’s reproduction of historically formed abilities, methods of activity and behavior, enshrined in the culture of each society, and acquired by him on the basis of cooperation with adults.

As children master social reality and accumulate social experience, they become a subject. However, in the early ontogenetic stages, the priority goal of a child’s development is the formation of his inner world, his self-valued personality.

The behavior of children in one way or another correlates with his ideas about himself and what he should or would like to be. A child’s positive perception of his own “I” directly affects the success of his activities, the ability to make friends, and the ability to see their positive qualities in communication situations.

In the process of interacting with the outside world, the child is actively involved in the world, cognizes it, and at the same time cognizes himself. Through self-knowledge, a child comes to a certain knowledge about himself and the world around him.

The direct teaching and upbringing of a preschooler occurs through the formation of an elementary system of knowledge and the organization of disparate information and ideas. The social world is not only a source of knowledge, but also of comprehensive development - mental, emotional, moral, aesthetic. With proper organization of pedagogical activities in this direction, the child’s perception, thinking, memory and speech develop.

At this age, the child comprehends the world through familiarity with the main aesthetic categories that are in opposition: truth-false, courage-cowardice, generosity-greed, etc. To become familiar with these categories, he needs a variety of material to study; this material is contained in fairy tales , folklore and literary works, in everyday life events. By participating in discussions of various problem situations, listening to stories, fairy tales, and performing game exercises, the child begins to better understand the surrounding reality, learn to evaluate his own and others’ actions, choose his own line of behavior and interaction with others.

Morality, ethics, and rules of behavior in society, unfortunately, are not embedded in a child at birth. The environment is not particularly conducive to their acquisition. Therefore, targeted, systematic work with the child is necessary to organize his personal experience, where he will naturally develop in the types of activities available to him:

Moral consciousness - as a system of elementary moral ideas, concepts, judgments, knowledge about moral norms, rules accepted in society (cognitive component);

Moral feelings - feelings and attitudes that these norms evoke in a child (emotional component);

The moral orientation of behavior is the child’s actual behavior, which corresponds to the moral standards accepted by others (behavioral component).

When playing, a child is always at the junction of the real and game worlds, occupying two positions simultaneously: the real one of the child and the conditional one of the adult. This is the main achievement of the game. It leaves behind a plowed field in which the fruits of theoretical activity - art and science - can grow.

Children's play is a type of activity of children, which consists in reproducing the actions of adults and the relationships between them, aimed at orientation and knowledge of objective activity, one of the means of physical, mental, mental and moral education of children.

Through the children's subculture, the most important social needs of the child are satisfied:

The need for isolation from adults, closeness with other people outside the family;

The need for independence and participation in social change.

When working with children, I suggest using fairy tales of a social nature, in the process of telling which children learn that they need to find friends, that being alone can be boring and sad (the fairy tale “How a Truck Was Looking for a Friend”); that you need to be polite, be able to communicate using not only verbal, but also non-verbal means of communication (“The Tale of the Ill-mannered Mouse”).

And the didactic game acts as a means of comprehensive education of the child’s personality. With the help of didactic games, the teacher teaches children to think independently and use the acquired knowledge in various conditions in accordance with the task.

Many didactic games set children the task of rationally using existing knowledge in mental operations: finding characteristic features in objects and phenomena of the surrounding world; compare, group, classify objects according to certain criteria, draw correct conclusions, generalizations. The activity of children's thinking is the main prerequisite for a conscious attitude towards acquiring solid, deep knowledge and establishing reasonable relationships in a team.


1. Bondarenko A.K.

Didactic games in kindergarten: Book. for a kindergarten teacher garden - 2nd ed., revised. -M. : Education, 1991.-160p. : ill.

2. Gromova O. E., Solomatina G. N., Kabushko A. Yu.

Introducing preschoolers to the social world. - M.: TC Sferv, 2012. – 224 p. (Modules of the Preschool Education Program).

3. Arushanova A. G., Rychagova E. S.

Games-activities with sounding words: A book for preschool teachers. – M.: TC Sfera, 2012.- 192 p. (Modules of the Preschool Education Program)

4. Educational fairy tales for children 4-7 years old. Methodological manual/Comp. L. N. Vakhrusheva. – M.: TC Sfera, 2011.-80 p.

5. Korepanova M.V., Kharlampova E.V. Knowing myself. Methodological recommendations for the program of social and personal development of preschool children. – M.: Balass, Publishing house. House of RAO, 2004. – 160 p.

6. Nedospasova V. A.

Growing up while playing: Avg. And Art. doshk. age: A manual for teachers and parents / V. A. Nedospasova. – 2nd ed. – M.: Education, 2003. – 94 p.

Social development of preschool children

Social development of preschool children is the awareness and perception of certain values, culture and traditions of their people. The main source of social development is communication. It doesn’t matter at all with whom this communication occurs - with adults or with peers.

In the process of communication, the child learns to live according to certain rules and absorbs existing norms of behavior.

What influences the social development of preschool children?

The social development of preschool children is strongly influenced by the environment, namely the street, house and people who are grouped according to a certain system of norms and rules. Each person brings something new into the child’s life and influences his behavior in a certain way.

An adult serves as a standard for a child. The preschooler tries to copy all actions and deeds from him.

Personal development occurs only in society. To become a full-fledged person, a child needs contact with the people around him.

The main source of development of a child’s personality is the family. She is a guide who offers the child knowledge, experience, teaches and helps to adapt to harsh living conditions. A favorable home atmosphere, trust and mutual understanding, respect and love are the keys to the success of proper personal development.

Help in the social development of preschool children

The most convenient and effective form of social development of children is the play form. Until the age of seven, play is the main activity of every child. And communication is an integral part of the game.

During play, the child develops both emotionally and socially. He tries to behave like an adult, “models” the behavior of his parents, and learns to take an active part in social life. In the game, children analyze different ways to resolve conflicts and learn to interact with the world around them.

However, in addition to play, preschoolers need conversations, exercises, reading, studying, observation and discussion. Parents should encourage their child's moral actions. All this helps the child in social development.

The child is very receptive to everything: he feels beauty, you can go to the movies, museums, and theaters with him.

It is necessary to remember that if an adult is not feeling well or is in a bad mood, then you should not organize joint events with the child. After all, he feels insincerity and falsehood. And therefore can copy this behavior.



Like Social and moral education is an active, purposeful process of a child’s entry into the social environment, when moral norms and values ​​are learned, the child’s moral consciousness is formed, and moral feelings and behavioral habits develop.

Raising ethical standards of behavior in a child is a moral problem that has not only social, but also pedagogical significance. The development of children's ideas about morality is simultaneously influenced by family, kindergarten, and the surrounding reality. Therefore, teachers and parents are faced with the task of raising a highly educated and well-mannered young generation who owns all the achievements of the created human culture.

Social and moral education in preschool age is determined by the fact that the child forms the very first moral assessments and judgments, he begins to understand what a moral norm is and forms his attitude towards it, which, however, does not always ensure compliance with it in real actions. The social and moral education of children occurs throughout their lives, and the environment in which he develops and grows plays a decisive role in the development of a child’s morality.

Solving the problems of social and moral development is facilitated by the organization of the educational process on the basis of a personality-oriented model, which provides for close interaction between children and the teacher, who allows and takes into account preschoolers’ own judgments, suggestions, and disagreements. Communication in such conditions takes on the character of dialogue, joint discussion and development of common decisions.

The theoretical foundations of the social and moral education of preschoolers were laid by R. S. Bure, E. Yu. Demurova, A. V. Zaporozhets and others. They identified the following stages of personality formation in the process of moral education:

Stage 1 - formation of social emotions and moral feelings;

Stage 2 - accumulation of knowledge and formation of moral ideas;

Stage 3 - the transition of knowledge into beliefs and the formation on this basis of a worldview and value orientations;

Stage 4 - translating beliefs into concrete behavior, which can be called moral.

In accordance with the stages, the following tasks of social and moral education are distinguished:

Formation of moral consciousness;

Social emotions, moral feelings and attitudes towards different aspects of the social environment;

Moral qualities and the activity of their manifestation in activities and actions;

Friendly relationships, the beginnings of collectivism and the collectivist orientation of the preschooler’s personality;

Developing useful skills and behavioral habits.

To solve the problems of moral education, it is necessary to organize activities in such a way as to create maximum conditions conducive to the realization of the possibilities contained in it. Only in appropriate conditions, in the process of independent various activities, does a child learn to use the rules known to him as a means of regulating relationships with peers.

The conditions for social and moral education in kindergarten must be correlated with the conditions for the implementation of other areas of children's development, since it is pivotal for the organization of the entire educational process: for example, the integration of the lines of social, moral and socio-ecological education of preschoolers.

These components are formed and combined into a single system during the following stages of work (according to S. A. Kozlova):


    artistic and educational

    emotionally effective.

There are several classifications of methods of social and moral education.

For example, the classification of V. I. Loginova, based on the activation of the mechanism of moral development in the process of education:

Methods of stimulating feelings and relationships (example of adults, encouragement, punishment, requirement).

Formation of moral behavior (training, exercise, management of activities).

Formation of moral consciousness (persuasion in the form of explanation, suggestion, ethical conversations).

B. T Likhachev’s classification is based on the logic of the process of moral education itself and includes:

Methods of trusting interaction (respect, pedagogical requirements, persuasion, discussion of conflict situations).

Educational influence (clarification, stress relief, actualization of dreams, appeal to consciousness, feeling, will, action).

Organization and self-organization of the educational team in the future (games, competitions, uniform requirements).

As methods aimed at making a child aware of the meaning and fairness of moral rules, researchers suggest: reading literature in which the meaning of the rules is revealed by influencing the consciousness and feelings of a preschooler (E. Yu. Demurova, L. P. Strelkova, A. M. Vinogradova ) ; conversations using comparisons of positive and negative images of characters (L.

P. Knyazeva); solving problem situations (R. S. Bure); discussing with children acceptable and unacceptable ways of behavior towards others; examination of plot pictures (A. D. Kosheleva); organization of exercise games (S.

A. Ulitko), dramatization games.

The means of social and moral education are:

Familiarizing children with different aspects of the social environment, communicating with children and adults;

Organization of children's activities - games, work, etc.,

Inclusion of children in subject-based practical activities, organization of collective creative activities;

Communication with nature;

Artistic media: folklore, music, cinema and filmstrips, fiction, visual arts, etc.

Thus, the content of the educational process may vary depending on the direction of social and moral education (from the formation of the foundations of life safety, social and labor education to patriotic, civil, and spiritual and moral). At the same time, the uniqueness of the process of social and moral education of preschool children lies in the decisive role of the environment and education in the development of the child, in the absence of the principle of interchangeability in the process of moral education and flexibility of educational influences.


    Bure R.S., Social and moral education of preschool children. Toolkit. - M., 2011.

    Miklyaeva N. V. Social and moral education of preschool children. - M.: TC Sfera, 2013.

Features of the development of preschool children

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The childhood of any child consists of a certain number of different periods, some of them are very easy, and some are quite difficult. Children learn something new all the time and get to know the world around them. Over the course of several years, a child will have to overcome a lot of important stages, each of which becomes decisive in the child’s worldview.

Features of the development of preschool children are that this is the period when the formation of a successful and mature personality occurs. Preschool development of children lasts several years, during this period the child needs caring parents and competent teachers, only then the child will receive all the necessary knowledge and skills.

In preschool age, a child enriches his vocabulary, develops socialization skills, and also develops logical and analytical abilities.

The development of children in preschool age covers the period from 3 to 6 years; each subsequent year you must take into account the characteristics of the child’s psychology, as well as methods of getting to know the environment.

The preschool development of a child is always directly related to the child’s play activity. For the development of personality, story-based games are necessary; they involve unobtrusive learning of the child with the people around him in different life situations. Also, the tasks of preschool development of children are that children need to be helped to understand their role in the whole world, they need to be motivated to succeed and taught to easily endure all failures.

In the development of preschool children, it is necessary to take into account many aspects, of which five main ones stand out, they need to be smoothly and harmoniously developed throughout the entire path of preparing the child for school, and for the rest of his life.

Five basic elements of development of preschool children

Mental development of preschool children.

This is the development of the child’s nervous system and its reflex activity, as well as certain hereditary characteristics. This type of development is influenced primarily by heredity and the child’s close environment.

If you are interested in the harmonious development of your child, then pay close attention to special trainings that help parents better understand their baby and learn to interact with him as effectively as possible. Thanks to such trainings, the child easily goes through preschool development and grows up to be a very successful and self-confident person.

Emotional development.

This type of development is influenced by absolutely everything that surrounds the baby, from music to observation of people who are in the child’s close environment. Also, the emotional development of preschool children is greatly influenced by games and their stories, the child’s place in these games and the emotional side of the game.

Cognitive development.

Cognitive development is the process of processing information, as a result of which disparate facts are combined into a single store of knowledge. Preschool education of children is very important and requires taking into account all stages of this process, namely: what information the child will receive and how he will be able to process it and apply it in practice. For the harmonious and successful development of preschoolers, you need to select information that will:

  • Submitted from a reputable source by the right people;
  • Meet all cognitive abilities;
  • Opened and properly processed and analyzed.

Thanks to preschool development of children in specialized centers, your child will receive the most necessary information, which will have a very positive impact on his overall development, as well as the development of logical thinking and social skills. In addition, your baby will replenish his knowledge base and rise to another level in his development.

Psychological development of preschool children.

This type of development includes all aspects that are associated with age-related characteristics of perception. At the age of three years, the child begins the process of self-knowledge, thinking develops and activity awakens. In any center, teachers will help the child cope with psychological problems in development, which will contribute to the rapid socialization of the child.

Speech development.

Speech development is individual for each child individually. Parents, as well as teachers, are obliged to help the child develop his speech, expand his vocabulary and develop clear diction. The development of children in preschool age will help the child master oral and written speech, the baby will learn to feel his native language and will be able to easily use complex speech techniques, and will also develop the necessary communication skills.

Don't leave your child's development to chance. You must help your child become a full-fledged person; this is your direct responsibility as parents.

If you feel that you cannot give all the necessary skills and abilities to your own child, be sure to contact specialists at the center for the development of preschool children. Thanks to experienced teachers, the child will learn to speak, write, draw and behave in society correctly.


Social and personal development of preschool children

Mental development

The development of a child in society means that he understands the traditions, values ​​and culture of the society in which he is brought up. A child gains his first social development skills from communicating with his parents and close relatives, then from communicating with peers and adults. He constantly develops as a person, learns what can and cannot be done, takes into account his personal interests and the interests of others, how to behave in this or that place and environment.

Social and personal development of preschool children - Features

The social development of preschool children plays a significant role in the development of personality. Helps the child become a full-fledged person with his own interests, principles, foundations and desires, which should not be ignored by his environment.

In order for social development to occur evenly and correctly, every child needs communication, love, trust and attention, first of all, from parents. It is mom and dad who can give their baby experience, knowledge, family values, and teach them the ability to adapt to any conditions in life.

From the first days, newborn babies learn to communicate with their mother: to capture her voice, mood, facial expressions, some movements, and also try to show what they want at a certain point in time. From 6 months to about 2 years, the baby can already communicate with his parents more consciously, can ask for help or do something with them.

The need to be surrounded by peers arises around the age of 3. Children learn to interact and communicate with each other.

Development of children in society from 3 to 5 years. This is the age of “whys”. Precisely because many questions arise about what surrounds the child, why it is happening this way, why this is happening and what will happen if... Children begin to diligently study the world around them and what is happening in it.

Learning occurs not only by examining, feeling, tasting, but also by speaking. It is with its help that a child can receive information that is interesting to him and share it with the children and adults around him.

Children of preschool age, 6-7 years old, when communication is personal. The child begins to be interested in the essence of man. At this age, children always need to be given answers to their questions; they need the support and understanding of their parents.

Because close people are their main role models.

Social and personal development

Social and personal development of children occurs in several directions:

  • gaining social skills;
  • communication with children of the same age;
  • teaching the child to have a good attitude towards himself;
  • development during the game.

In order for a child to feel good about himself, it is necessary to create certain conditions that help him understand his importance and value to others. It is important for children to find themselves in situations where they will be the center of attention; they always strive for this themselves.

Also, every child needs praise for their actions. For example, collect all the drawings made by children in the garden or at home, and then show them to guests or other children at family celebrations. On a child's birthday, all attention should be paid to the birthday boy.

Parents should always see their child’s experiences, be able to sympathize with him, be happy or sad together, and provide the necessary help in case of difficulties.

Social factors in the development of a child’s personality

The development of children in society is influenced by certain aspects that play a significant role in the formation of a full-fledged personality. Social factors in child development are divided into several types:

  • microfactors are family, close environment, schools, kindergartens, peers. What most often surrounds a child in everyday life, where he develops and communicates. Such an environment is also called a microsociety;
  • mesofactors are the place and living conditions of the child, region, type of settlement, methods of communication of surrounding people;
  • macro factors are the influence of the country, state, society, political, economic, demographic and environmental processes as a whole on the child.

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All these conditions simultaneously involve preschoolers in intensive cognitive and creative activities, which ensure their social development, form communication skills and the formation of their socially significant personal characteristics.

It will not be easy for a child who does not attend kindergarten to organize a combination of all of the above developmental factors.

Development of social skills

Development of social skills in preschoolers has a positive effect on their activities in life. General good manners, manifested in graceful manners, easy communication with people, the ability to be attentive to people, try to understand them, sympathize, and help are the most important indicators of the development of social skills. Also important is the ability to talk about one’s own needs, set goals correctly and achieve them. In order to direct the upbringing of a preschooler in the right direction of successful socialization, we suggest following aspects of the development of social skills:

  1. Show your child social skills. In the case of babies: smile at the baby - he will answer you the same. This will be the first social interaction.
  2. Talk to your baby. Respond to the sounds made by the baby with words and phrases. This way you will establish contact with the baby and soon teach him to speak.
  3. Teach your child to be attentive. You should not raise an egoist: more often let your child understand that other people also have their own needs, desires, and concerns.
  4. When raising, be gentle. In education, stand your ground, but without shouting, but with love.
  5. Teach your child respect. Explain that items have their value and should be treated with care. Especially if it's someone else's things.
  6. Teach to share toys. This will help him make friends faster.
  7. Create a social circle for your baby. Strive to organize your child’s communication with peers in the yard, at home, or in a child care facility.
  8. Praise good behavior. The child is smiling, obedient, kind, gentle, not greedy: what is not a reason to praise him? It will reinforce your understanding of how to behave better and acquire the necessary social skills.
  9. Talk to your child. Teach preschoolers to communicate, share experiences, and analyze actions.
  10. Encourage mutual assistance and attention to children. Discuss situations in your child’s life more often: this way he will learn the basics of morality.

Social adaptation of children

Social adaptation– a prerequisite and result of the successful socialization of a preschooler.

It happens in three areas:

  • activity
  • consciousness
  • communication.

Field of activity implies a variety and complexity of activities, good mastery of each type, its understanding and mastery of it, the ability to carry out activities in various forms.

Indicators of developed spheres of communication are characterized by expanding the child’s social circle, deepening the quality of its content, mastery of generally accepted norms and rules of behavior, and the ability to use its different forms and types suitable for the child’s social environment and in society.

Developed sphere of consciousness characterized by work to form the image of one’s own “I” as a subject of activity, understanding one’s social role, and forming self-esteem.

During socialization, the child, along with the desire to do everything as everyone else does (mastering generally accepted rules and norms of behavior), manifests a desire to stand out, to show individuality (development of independence, one’s own opinion). Thus, the social development of a preschooler occurs in harmoniously existing directions:

  • socialization
  • individualization.

In the case when during socialization a balance is established between socialization and individualization, an integrated process occurs aimed at the successful entry of the child into society. This is social adaptation.

Social maladjustment

If, when a child enters a certain group of peers, there is no conflict between generally accepted standards and the child’s individual qualities, then it is considered that he has adapted to the environment. If such harmony is disturbed, the child may develop self-doubt, isolation, depressed mood, reluctance to communicate, and even autism. Children rejected by a certain social group are aggressive, uncommunicative, and have inadequate self-esteem.

It happens that a child’s socialization is complicated or slowed down for physical or mental reasons, as well as as a result of the negative influence of the environment in which he grows up. The result of such cases is the emergence of antisocial children, when the child does not fit into social relationships. Such children need psychological help or social rehabilitation (depending on the degree of difficulty) in order to properly organize the process of their adaptation to society.


If you try to take into account all aspects of the harmonious upbringing of a child, create favorable conditions for all-round development, maintain friendly relationships and help reveal his creative potential, then the process of social development of the preschooler will be successful. Such a child will feel confident, which means he will be successful.

  • about the author


teacher MBDOU No. 139

Features of the ethnocultural development of preschool children.

Oral folk art, musical folklore, folk arts and crafts should be more reflected in the content of education and upbringing of the younger generation now that examples of mass culture from other countries are actively being introduced into the life, everyday life, and worldview of children. And if we talk about the opportunity for the younger generation to choose their life ideals, aesthetic values, and ideas, then we must also talk about providing children with the opportunity to know the origins of national culture and art.

The didactic game as a sociocultural phenomenon has its own history and is passed on from generation to generation. Didactic games were and are being created by adults for the development of children, taking into account their needs, interests and capabilities. Children receive the content of the game in a ready-made form and master it as an element of culture.

The key point in assessing the success of a preschooler’s development is the concept of preserving the ideals of national culture and language, which is the basis of ethnic psychology and ethnic pedagogy, its structural component, humanistic orientation through the traditions of educating the modern generation.

Job objectives:

1. Provide an analysis of priority approaches to ethnoculture as a psychological and pedagogical phenomenon;

2. Identify the specifics of the forms of ethnoculture of preschool children;

3. Study the educational and developmental functions of didactic games;

4. Conduct an experimental study on the formation of the ethnoculture of preschool children through didactic games.

There will be social comfort in society if the need for one’s native language and culture is satisfied. Ethnoculture - from the words “ethnos”, which means “people”, and culture (lat.) is a set of material and spiritual values ​​created by human society and characterizing a certain level of development of society, distinguishes between material and spiritual culture: in a narrower sense, the term “culture” belong to the sphere of people's spiritual life.

Currently, much attention has been paid to education based on folk traditions, dissemination of the ideas of ethnopedagogy, introducing children to the treasures of folk cultures in order to revive, preserve and develop the inexhaustible source of wisdom and historical experience of the people, forming the national self-awareness of children and youth - worthy representatives of their ethnic group, bearers their national culture.

Public education is public education. Throughout history, man has been and remains the object and subject of education.

The experience of education accumulated over centuries, combined with empirical knowledge tested in practice, forms the core of folk pedagogy. It should, however, be taken into account that the pedagogical view of the people, formed without professional pedagogical training, on the basis of only empirical knowledge, was to a certain extent spontaneous in nature.

The process of upbringing itself, everyday pedagogical contact with children, was not always conscious. Under these conditions, what is striking is the people’s ability to select, bit by bit, all that is best, reasonable, and consistent with the people’s ideal in educating a real person.

Satisfaction of a particular need occurs in the process of activity. A child’s development proceeds nonlinearly and simultaneously in all directions.

Non-linearly due to various reasons, but largely due to the child’s lack or lack of knowledge and skills in the relevant area of ​​self-improvement. The purposeful activity of the educator, which can be organized systematically, will help you feel and understand the importance of observing ethical rules and determining your moral position.

Need directs this activity, literally looking for opportunities (objects and methods) for its satisfaction. It is in these processes of satisfying needs that the appropriation of activity experience occurs - socialization, self-development of the individual. Self-development processes occur spontaneously, spontaneously (accidentally). And self-education is the second, internal part of the process - the child’s subjective mental activity; it occurs at the intrapersonal level and represents the perception, certain processing and appropriation by the individual of external influences.

In preschool age, it is necessary to organize such a dominant in the formation of the foundations of socialization in the formation and development of the child’s personality. And at the moment, in our opinion, the ethnocultural education of preschool children will be dominant, since a teacher, an adult, who has missed this moment in education, will become in adulthood a person who has no beginnings, no basis for his nature.

It is necessary to teach youth the culture of interethnic relations, relying on knowledge, showing wisdom and tact, and in this folk pedagogy can provide invaluable assistance; everything progressive, advanced in folk pedagogy crosses its national borders, becomes the property of other nations, thereby the pedagogical treasures of each nation are all are more enriched by creations that acquire an international character.

Therefore, from an early age it is necessary to lay the foundations of ethnocultural education in the formation and development of the child’s personality.

All parents dream of their growing child being successful in communicating with peers. After all, it is through communication that children develop their character, type of behavior in society, and develop their personality. This is why social adaptation is so important for preschool children. Coming to any group, people need time to get used to it and “reveal” themselves, but children learn to live in a group, which directly affects their development.

Social characteristics of the child

The social development of preschool children includes the process of children assimilating the values, traditions and culture of society, as well as social personality traits that help the child live comfortably in society. In the process of social adaptation, children learn to live by certain rules and take into account norms of behavior.

In the process of communication, the child acquires social experience, which is provided to him by his immediate environment: parents, kindergarten teachers and peers. Social competence is achieved through the child actively communicating and exchanging information. Socially maladapted children most often reject the experiences of other people and do not come into contact with adults and peers. This may lead to antisocial behavior in the future due to failure to acquire cultural skills and necessary social qualities.

Every activity has a goal, and a child’s ability to achieve a goal gives him self-confidence and makes him aware of his competence. The sense of importance directly reflects society's assessment and affects one's self-esteem. Children's self-esteem directly affects their social health and behavior.

Methods for shaping children's social experience

In order for a child’s personality to develop harmoniously, the social development of children must be based on an integral pedagogical system. Methods that influence the formation of a child’s social status include the following types of activities:

Thus, when creating conditions for the social development of children, it is necessary not only to convey to them social experience in the form of knowledge and skills, but also to promote the disclosure of their internal potential.

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Non-state educational institution of higher professional education

Eastern Economic and Legal Humanitarian Academy (VEGU Academy)

Direction Pedagogy

Profile focus - Preschool education


Preschool pedagogy. Features withsocial development of preschool children

Khusainova Irina Vladimirovna

Almetyevsk 2016

  • 1. Social and personal development
  • 2. What influences the social development of preschool children
  • 3. Help in the social development of preschool children
  • 4. Stages of personality formation
  • 5. Methods of social and moral education
  • 6. Five basic elements of development of preschool children
  • 7. Social factors in the development of a child’s personality
  • 8. Basic principles of organizing the process of social education
  • Conclusion
  • Literature

1. Social and personal development

The full formation of children largely depends on the specifics of the social environment, the conditions of its formation, and the personal characteristics of the parents, who serve as the most important example for the formation of the personality of children. The closest circle of a child is considered to be his parents and close relatives - grandparents, that is, his family. It is here that the final basic experience of relationships with others will be instilled, during which the child develops ideas about adult life. It is these that the child then transfers into communication with a wide circle - in kindergarten, on the street, in the store. The child’s assimilation of social norms and patterns of role behavior is usually called socialization, which is considered by well-known scientific researchers as a process of social development through a system of various types of relationships - communication, play, cognition.

The social processes taking place in modern society create the prerequisites for the development of new goals of education, the center of which becomes the individual and his inner world. The foundations that determine the success of personal formation and development are laid in the preschool period. This important stage of life makes children full-fledged individuals and gives rise to qualities that help a person decide in this life and find his rightful place in it.

Social development, being the main task of education, begins during the period of primary socialization in infancy and early childhood. At this time, the child receives the necessary life skills to communicate with others. All this is learned through sensations, touches, everything that the child sees, hears, feels, is laid down in his subconscious as a basic development program.

Subsequently, cultural experience is acquired, aimed at the child’s reproduction of historically formed abilities, methods of activity and behavior, fixed in the culture of each society, and acquired by him on the basis of cooperation with adults. This also includes ritual traditions.

As children master social reality and accumulate social experience, they become a full-fledged subject and personality. However, in the early stages, the priority goal of a child’s development is the formation of his inner world, his self-valued personality.

The behavior of children in one way or another correlates with his ideas about himself and what he should or would like to be. A child’s positive perception of his own “I am a personality” directly affects the success of his activities, the ability to make friends, and the ability to see their positive qualities in communication situations. His quality as a leader is determined.

In the process of interacting with the outside world, the child is actively involved in the world, cognizes it, and at the same time cognizes himself. Through self-knowledge, a child comes to a certain knowledge about himself and the world around him. He learns to distinguish good from bad, to see what he should strive for.

Morality, ethics, and rules of behavior in society, unfortunately, are not embedded in a child at birth. The environment is not particularly conducive to their acquisition. Therefore, targeted, systematic work with the child is necessary to organize his personal experience, where he naturally develops self-knowledge. This is not only the role of parents, but also the role of the teacher. The types of activities available to him will include:

Moral consciousness - as a system of simple moral ideas in a child, concepts, judgments, knowledge about moral norms, rules accepted in society (cognitive component);

Moral feelings - feelings and attitudes that these norms of behavior evoke in a child (emotional component);

The moral orientation of behavior is the child’s actual behavior, which corresponds to the moral standards accepted by others (behavioral component).

The direct teaching and upbringing of a preschooler occurs through the formation of an elementary system of knowledge and the organization of disparate information and ideas. The social world is not only a source of knowledge, but also of comprehensive development - mental, moral, aesthetic, emotional. With proper organization of pedagogical activities in this direction, the child’s perception, thinking, memory and speech develop.

At this age, the child masters the world through familiarity with the main aesthetic categories that are in opposition: truth - lies, courage - cowardice, generosity - greed, etc. To become familiar with these categories, he needs various material to study; this material is largely contained in fairy tales, folklore and literary works, and in everyday life events. By participating in discussions of various problem situations, listening to stories, fairy tales, and performing game exercises, the child begins to better understand himself in the surrounding reality, compare his own and the actions of the heroes, choose his own line of behavior and interaction with others, learn to evaluate his own and others’ actions. When playing, a child is always at the junction of the real and game worlds, and at the same time occupies two positions: the real one of the child and the conventional one of the adult. This is the most important achievement of the game. She leaves behind a plowed field in which the fruits of abstract activity - art and science - can grow.

And the didactic game acts as a means of comprehensive education of the child’s personality. With the help of instructive games, the teacher teaches children to think independently and use the acquired knowledge in various conditions in accordance with the established task.

Children's play is a type of children's activity that involves repeating the actions of adults and the relationships between them, aimed at orientation and comprehension of objective activities, one of the means of physical, mental, mental and moral education of children. When working with children, they suggest using fairy tales of a social nature, in the process of telling which children learn that they need to find friends, that being alone can be boring and sad (the fairy tale “How a Truck Was Looking for a Friend”); that you need to be polite, be able to communicate using not only verbal, but also non-verbal means of communication (“The Tale of an Ill-mannered Mouse”).

Through the children's subculture, the most important social needs of the child are satisfied:

- the need for isolation from adults, intimacy with other people separately from the family;

- the need for independence and participation in social transformations.

Many didactic games set children the task of expediently using existing knowledge in mental operations: finding inherent signs in objects and phenomena of the surrounding world; classify, compare objects according to certain characteristics, draw correct conclusions, generalizations. The activity of children's thinking is the main prerequisite for a conscious attitude towards acquiring solid, deep knowledge and establishing reasonable relationships in a team.

2. What influences the social development of preschool children

preschool personality social education

The social development of preschool children is strongly influenced by the environment, namely the street, home and people who are grouped according to a certain system of norms and rules. Each person brings something new into the child’s life and influences his behavior in a certain way. This is a very important aspect in the formation of a person, his perception of the world.

An adult serves as an example for a child. The preschooler strives to copy all actions and deeds from him. After all, an adult - and especially parents - is the standard for a child.

Personal development occurs only in the environment. To become a full-fledged person, a child needs contact with the people around him. He needs to realize that he is separate from the family, to realize that he is responsible for his behavior and actions not only within the family circle, but also in the world around him. The role of the teacher in this regard is to correctly guide the child, to show the example of these same fairy tales - where the main characters also experience some moments of life and solve situations. All this will be very useful to the child, especially in recognizing good and evil. After all, in Russian folk tales there is always a hint that helps the child understand, using the example of another, what is good and what is bad. What to do and what not to do.

The most important source of development of a child’s personality is the family. She is a guide who offers the child knowledge, experience, teaches and helps to adapt to the harsh conditions of life. A favorable home atmosphere, trust and mutual understanding, respect and love are the keys to the success of proper personal development. Whether we like it or not, the child will always be like his parents in some sense - behavior, facial expressions, movements. By this he tries to express that he is a self-sufficient, adult person.

From six to seven years of age, children's communication takes on a personal form. Children begin to ask questions about a person and his essence. This time is the most responsible in the social development of a small citizen - he often needs emotional support, understanding and empathy. Adults are role models for children, so they actively adopt their communication style, behavior patterns and develop their own individuality. They start asking a lot of questions, which are often very difficult to answer directly. But it is necessary to reveal the problem together with the child and explain everything to him. Likewise, in due time, the child will give his knowledge to his child, remembering how the parents or teacher did not push him away due to lack of time, but explained the essence of the answer competently and clearly.

A child’s personality is formed from the smallest bricks, among which, in addition to communication and play, various activities, exercises, creativity, music, books and observation of the outside world play a significant role. In preschool age, every child deeply perceives everything interesting, therefore the task of parents is to introduce him to the best human works. Children ask adults a lot of questions that need to be answered fully and honestly. This is very important, because for a child, your every word is an immutable truth, so do not allow the faith in your infallibility to collapse. Show them your openness and interest and participation in them. The social development of preschoolers also occurs through play as a leading child activity. Communication is an important element of any game. During play, the child’s social, emotional and mental development occurs. Play gives children the opportunity to reproduce the adult world and participate in the social life represented. Children learn to resolve conflicts, express emotions and interact appropriately with people around them.

3. Help in the social development of preschool children

The most convenient and effective form of social development of children is the play form. Until the age of seven, play is the main activity of every child. And communication is an integral part of the game.

In the process of play, the child is formed both emotionally and socially. He strives to behave like an adult, “examples” the behavior of his parents, and learns to take an active part in social life. In the game, children analyze different ways to resolve conflicts and learn to interact with the world around them.

However, in addition to play, preschoolers need conversations, exercises, reading, studying, observation and discussion. Parents should encourage their child's moral actions. All this helps the child in social development.

The child is very impressionable and receptive to everything: he feels beauty, you can go to the movies, museums, and theaters with him.

It is necessary to remember that if an adult is not feeling well or is in a bad mood, then you should not organize joint events with the child. After all, he feels hypocrisy and deception. And therefore can copy this behavior. In addition, it has been scientifically proven that the child very sensitively senses the mother’s mood. It is better at such moments to distract the child with something else, for example, give him paints, paper and offer to draw a beautiful picture on any topic you choose.

Preschoolers, among other things, need sociable communication - joint games, discussions. They, like small children, experience the adult world from the beginning. They learn to be adults the same way we learned in our time.

The social development of preschool children occurs mainly through communication, elements of which we see in the facial expressions, movements, and sounds of children.

4. Stages of personality formation

The theoretical foundations of social and moral education of preschool children were laid by R.S. Bure, E.Yu. Demurova, A.V. Zaporozhets and others. They identified the following stages of personality formation in the process of moral education:

the first stage is the formation of moral feelings and social emotions;

the second stage is the formation of moral ideas and accumulation of knowledge;

the third stage is the transition of knowledge into beliefs and the formation on this basis of a worldview and value orientations;

the fourth stage is the translation of beliefs into concrete behavior, which can be called moral.

In accordance with the stages, the following tasks of social and moral education are distinguished:

- formation of moral consciousness;

- formation of public emotions, moral feelings and attitudes towards different aspects of the social environment;

- formation of moral qualities and the activity of their manifestation in activities and actions;

- formation of friendly relationships, the beginnings of collectivism and the collectivist orientation of the preschooler’s personality;

- development of useful skills and behavioral habits.

To solve the problems of moral education, it is necessary to organize activities in such a way as to create maximum conditions that facilitate the realization of the possibilities contained in it. Only in appropriate conditions, in the process of independent various activities, does a child learn to use the rules known to him as a means of regulating relationships with peers.

The conditions for social and moral education in kindergarten must be compared with the conditions for the implementation of other areas of children's development, since it is pivotal for the organization of the entire educational process: for example, the integration of the lines of social, moral and socio-ecological education of preschoolers.

The content of social and moral education includes the development of the social and moral culture of the preschooler’s personality and its individual components - motivational, behavioral and emotional-sensual.

These components are formed and combined into a single system during the following stages of work (according to S.A. Kozlova):

· preliminary,

· artistic and educational

· emotionally effective.

Their content is selected in accordance with educational programs (for example, the social development and education program for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren “I am a man!” by S.A. Kozlova, the moral education program for preschoolers “Friendly Children” by R.S. Bure, etc.).

5. Methods of social and moral education

There are several classifications of methods of social and moral education.

For example, the classification of V.I. Loginova, based on the activation of the mechanism of moral development in the process of education:

* Methods of stimulating feelings and relationships (example of adults, encouragement, demand, punishment).

* Formation of the child’s moral behavior (training, exercise, management of activities).

* Formation of the child’s moral consciousness (persuasion in the form of explanation, suggestion, ethical conversations).

B. T Likhachev’s classification is based on the logic of the process of moral education itself and includes:

* Methods of trusting interaction (respect, pedagogical requirements, discussion of conflict situations, persuasion).

* Educational influence (clarification, stress relief, appeal to consciousness, will, action, feeling).

* Organization and self-organization of the educational team in the future (games, competitions, uniform requirements).

As methods aimed at helping a child comprehend the meaning and correctness of moral rules, researchers suggest: reading literature in which the meaning of the rules is revealed by influencing the consciousness and feelings of a preschooler (E.Yu. Demurova, L.P. Strelkova, A.M. Vinogradova ) ; conversations using likening positive and negative images of characters (L.P. Knyazeva); solving problem situations (R.S. Bure); discussion with children of acceptable and unacceptable ways of behavior towards others. Examination of plot pictures (A.D. Kosheleva). Organization of exercise games (S.A. Ulitko), dramatization games.

The means of social and moral education are:

- introducing children to different aspects of the social environment, communicating with children and adults;

- communication with nature;

- artistic media: folklore, music, cinema and filmstrips, fiction, fine arts, etc.

- organizing children's activities - games, work, etc.,

- inclusion of children in subject-based practical activities, organization of collective creative activities;

Thus, the content of the educational process may change depending on the direction of social and moral education. At the same time, the originality of the process of social and moral education of preschool children lies in the decisive role of the environment and education in the formation of the child, in the absence of the principle of interchangeability in the process of moral education and flexibility of educational actions.

Social and moral education is an active, purposeful process of a child’s entry into a social environment, when moral norms and values ​​are comprehended, the child’s moral consciousness is formed, and moral feelings and behavioral habits develop.

Raising ethical standards of behavior in a child is a moral problem that has not only social, but also pedagogical significance. At the same time, the development of children’s ideas about morality is influenced by family, kindergarten, and the surrounding reality. Therefore, teachers and parents are faced with the task of raising a highly educated and well-mannered young generation, possessing all the achievements of the created human culture. It is necessary to convey to children, especially preschool age, all the most important aspects of human life. Try to bring as much positive aspects of upbringing from your life experience as possible.

Social and moral education in preschool age is determined by the fact that the child develops the very first moral assessments and considerations, he begins to understand what a moral norm is and develops his attitude towards it, which, however, does not always ensure compliance with it in real actions. The social and moral education of children occurs throughout their lives, and the environment in which he develops and grows plays a determining role in the development of a child’s morality. Therefore, it is very important not to miss important moments in a child’s life, thereby giving him a chance to become an individual.

Solving the problems of social and moral development is facilitated by the organization of the educational process on the basis of a personality-oriented model, which provides for close interaction between children and the teacher, who allows and takes into account preschoolers’ own judgments, suggestions, and disagreements. Communication in such conditions takes on the character of dialogue, joint discussion and development of common decisions.

6. Five basic elements of development of preschool children

This is the development of the child’s nervous system and its reflex activity, as well as certain hereditary characteristics. This type of development is influenced primarily by heredity and the child’s close environment.

If you are interested in the smooth development of your child, then pay special attention to special courses that help parents better understand their child and learn to interact with him as effectively as possible. Thanks to such courses, the child easily passes through preschool development and grows up to be a very successful and self-confident person.

This type of development is influenced by absolutely everything that surrounds the baby, from music to observation of people who are in the child’s close environment. Also, the emotional development of preschool children is greatly influenced by games and stories, the child’s place in these games and the emotional side of the game.

Cognitive development is the process of processing information, as a result of which cumulative facts are combined into a single store of knowledge. Preschool education of children is very important and requires taking into account all stages of this process, namely: what information the child will receive and how he will be able to process it and apply it in practice. For example, these are retellings of fairy tales for practice. For the harmonious and successful development of preschoolers, you need to select information that will:

· Presented from an authoritative source by the right people;

· Meet all cognitive abilities;

· Opened and properly processed and analyzed.

Thanks to preschool development of children in special courses, the child will receive the most necessary information, which will have a very positive impact on his overall development, as well as the development of logical thinking and social skills. In addition, the baby will replenish his knowledge base and rise to another level in his development.

PsychologicallyOe development of preschool children

This type of development includes all aspects that are associated with age-related characteristics of perception. At the age of three, the child begins the process of self-knowledge, thinking develops and initiative awakens. In any course, teachers will help the child cope with psychological problems in development, which will contribute to the rapid socialization of the child.

Speech development is personal for each child individually. Parents, as well as teachers, are obliged to help develop the child’s speech, increase his vocabulary and form clear diction, and eliminate speech defects. The development of children in preschool age will help the child master oral and written speech, the baby will learn to feel his native language and will be able to easily use complex speech techniques, and will also develop the necessary communication skills.

It is important not to leave the child’s development without due attention. Temporary intervention by experienced teachers, as well as the attention of parents, will help the child assimilate as painlessly and easily as possible in this adult world that frightens them.

If you feel that you cannot give all the necessary skills and abilities to your own child, be sure to contact specialists at the center for the development of preschool children. Thanks to experienced teachers, the child will learn to speak, write, draw and behave in society correctly.

Social and personal development of preschool children

The development of a child in society means that he understands the customs, values ​​and culture of the society in which he is brought up. A child gains his first social development skills from communicating with his parents and close relatives, then from communicating with peers and adults. He is constantly developing as a person, learning what can and cannot be done, taking into account his personal interests and the interests of others, how to behave in this or that place and environment.

The social development of preschool children plays a significant role in the formation of personality. Helps the child become a full-fledged person with his own interests, principles, foundations and desires, which should not be infringed upon by his environment.

In order for social development to occur rhythmically and correctly, every child needs communication, love, trust and attention, first of all, from parents. It is mom and dad who can give their baby experience, knowledge, family values, and teach them the ability to adapt in life to any conditions.

From the first days, newborn babies learn to communicate with their mother: to capture her voice, mood, facial expressions, some movements, and also try to show what they want at a certain point in time. From six months to about two years, the baby can already communicate with his parents more consciously, can ask for help or do something with them. Help around the house for example.

The need to be surrounded by peers arises around the age of three. Children learn to interact and communicate with each other. Come up with different games and situations together and play them out.

Development of children in society from three to five years. This is the age of "why". Precisely because many questions arise about what surrounds the child, why it is happening this way, why this is happening and what will happen if... Children begin to diligently study the world around them and what is happening in it.

Learning occurs not only by examining, feeling, tasting, but also by speaking. It is with its help that a child can receive information that is interesting to him and share it with the children and adults around him.

Children of preschool age, six to seven years old, when communication is personal. The child begins to be interested in the human being. At this age, children always need to be given answers to their questions; they need the assistance and understanding of their parents.

Because close people are the main example for them to copy.

Social and personal development of children occurs in several directions:

· acquiring social skills;

· communication with children of the same age;

· teaching the child to have a good attitude towards himself;

· development during the game.

In order for a child to feel good about himself, it is necessary to create certain conditions that help him understand his importance and value to others. It is important for children to find themselves in situations where they will be the center of attention; they are always drawn to this themselves.

Also, every child needs approval for their actions. For example, collect all the drawings made by children in the garden or at home, and then show them to guests or other children at family celebrations. On a child's birthday, all attention should be paid to the birthday boy.

Parents should always see their child’s experiences, be able to sympathize with him, be happy or sad together, and provide the necessary help in case of difficulties.

7. Social factors in the development of a child’s personality

The development of children in society is influenced by certain aspects that play a significant role in the development of a full-fledged personality. Social factors in child development are divided into several types:

· microfactors are family, close environment, schools, kindergartens, peers. What most often surrounds a child in everyday life, where he develops and communicates. Such an environment is also called a microsociety;

· mesofactors are the place and living conditions of the child, region, type of settlement, methods of communication of surrounding people;

· macro factors are the influence of the country, state, society, political, economic, demographic and environmental processes as a whole on the child.

Development of social skills

The development of social skills in preschoolers has a positive effect on their activities in life. General good manners, expressed in graceful manners, easy communication with people, the ability to be attentive to people, try to understand them, sympathize with them, and help are the most important indicators of the development of social skills. Also important is the ability to talk about one’s own needs, set goals correctly and achieve them. In order to direct the upbringing of a preschooler in the right direction of successful socialization, we suggest following aspects of the development of social skills:

1. Show your child social skills. In the case of babies: smile at the baby - he will answer you the same. This will be the first social interaction.

2. Talk to the baby. Respond to the sounds made by the baby with words and phrases. This way you will establish contact with the baby and soon teach him to speak.

3. Teach your child to be sympathetic. You should not raise an egoist: more often let your child understand that other people also have their own needs, desires, and concerns.

4. When raising, be affectionate. In education, stand your ground, but without shouting, but with love.

5. Teach your child respect. Explain that items have their value and should be treated with care. Especially if it's someone else's things.

6. Teach sharing toys. This will help him make friends faster.

7. Create a social circle for your baby. Strive to organize your child’s communication with peers in the yard, at home, or in a child care facility.

8. Praise good behavior. The child is smiling, obedient, kind, gentle, not greedy: what is not a reason to praise him? He will develop an understanding of how to behave better and acquire the necessary social skills.

9. Talk to your child. Teach preschoolers to communicate, share worries, and analyze their actions.

10. Encourage mutual assistance and attention to children. Discuss situations in your child’s life more often: this way he will learn the basics of morality.

Social adaptation of children

Social adaptation is a prerequisite and result of the successful socialization of a preschooler.

It happens in three areas:

· activity

· consciousness

· communication.

The field of activity implies a variety and complexity of types of activity, good mastery of each type, its understanding and mastery of it, the ability to carry out activities in different forms.

Indicators of a developed sphere of communication are characterized by an expansion of the child’s social circle, an increase in the quality of its content, mastery of generally established norms and rules of behavior, and the ability to use its different forms and types suitable for the child’s social environment and in society.

The developed sphere of consciousness is characterized by work to form the image of the personal “I” as a subject of activity, comprehension of one’s social role, and the formation of self-esteem.

During socialization, the child, along with the desire to do everything as everyone else does (mastering established rules and norms of behavior), shows a desire to stand out, express individuality (development of independence, one’s own opinion). Thus, the social development of a preschooler occurs in harmoniously existing directions:

· socialization

· individualization.

In the case when, during socialization, a balance is established between socialization and individualization, an integrated process occurs, aimed at the successful entry of the child into society. This is social adaptation.

Social maladjustment

If, when a child enters a certain group of peers, there is no conflict between generally established standards and the child’s personal qualities, then it is considered that he has adapted to the environment. If such harmony is disturbed, the child may develop indecision, isolation, depressed mood, reluctance to communicate, and even autism. Children rejected by a certain social group are hostile, withdrawn, and have inadequate self-esteem.

It happens that a child’s socialization is complicated or inhibited for physical or mental reasons, as well as as a result of the negative influence of the environment in which he grows up. The result of such cases is the emergence of antisocial children, when the child does not fit into social relationships. Such children need psychological help or social rehabilitation (depending on the degree of difficulty) in order to properly organize the process of their adaptation to society.

The childhood of any child consists of a certain number of different periods, some of them are very easy, and some are quite difficult. Children learn something new all the time and get to know the world around them. Over the course of several years, a child will have to overcome a lot of important stages, each of which becomes decisive in the child’s worldview.

Features of the development of preschool children are that this is the period when the formation of a successful and mature personality occurs. Preschool development of children lasts several years, during this period the child needs caring parents and competent teachers, only then the child will receive all the necessary knowledge and skills.

In preschool age, a child enriches his vocabulary, develops socialization skills, and also develops logical and analytical abilities.

The development of children in preschool age covers the period from 3 to 6 years; each subsequent year you must take into account the characteristics of the child’s psychology, as well as methods of getting to know the environment.

The preschool development of a child is always directly related to the child’s play activity. For the development of personality, story-based games are necessary; they involve unobtrusive learning of the child with the people around him in different life situations. Also, the tasks of preschool development of children are that children need to be helped to understand their role in the whole world, they need to be motivated to succeed and taught to easily endure all failures.

In the development of preschool children, it is necessary to take into account many aspects, of which five main ones stand out, they need to be smoothly and harmoniously developed throughout the entire path of preparing the child for school, and for the rest of his life.

If you try to take into account all aspects of the harmonious upbringing of a child, create favorable conditions for all-round development, maintain friendly relationships and help reveal his creative potential, then the process of social development of the preschooler will be successful. Such a child will feel confident, which means he will be successful.

The development of social competence is an important and necessary stage of a child’s socialization in the overall process of assimilating the experience of social life and social relations. Man by nature is a social being. All the facts describing cases of forced isolation of young children, the so-called “Mowgli”, show that such children never become full-fledged people: they cannot master human speech, elementary forms of communication, behavior and die early.

Social and pedagogical activity in a preschool educational institution is work that includes pedagogical and psychological activities aimed at helping the child, teacher and parent in developing their own individuality, organizing themselves, their psychological state; assistance in solving emerging problems and overcoming them in communication; as well as assistance in the development of a little person in society.

The word “society” itself comes from the Latin “societas”, meaning “comrade”, “friend”, “buddy”. From the first days of life, a child is a social being, since any of his needs cannot be satisfied without the help and participation of another person.

Social experience is acquired by a child through communication and depends on the variety of social relationships that are provided to him by his immediate environment. A developing environment without an active position of an adult aimed at transmitting cultural forms of relationships in human society does not provide social experience. A child’s assimilation of universal human experience accumulated by previous generations occurs only through joint activities and communication with other people. This is how a child masters speech, new knowledge and skills; he develops his own beliefs, spiritual values ​​and needs, and develops his character.

All adults who communicate with a child and influence his social development can be divided into four levels of closeness, characterized by various combinations of three factors:

· frequency of contacts with the child;

· emotional intensity of contacts;

· information content.

On the first level there are parents - all three indicators have the maximum value.

Second level occupied by preschool teachers - the maximum value of information content, emotional richness.

Third level- adults who have situational contact with the child, or those whom children can observe on the street, in the clinic, in transport, etc.

Fourth level - people whose existence a child may know, but with whom he will never meet: residents of other cities, countries, etc.

The child's immediate environment - the first and second levels of closeness - due to the emotional intensity of contacts with the child, not only influence his development, but also themselves change under the influence of these relationships. For the success of a child’s social development, it is necessary that his communication with his immediate adult environment be dialogical and free from directiveness. However, even direct communication between people is actually a complex and multifaceted process. It is where communicative interaction takes place and information is exchanged. The main means of communication between people are speech, gestures, facial expressions, and pantomime. While not yet proficient in spoken language, the child accurately responds to a smile, tone and intonation of voice. Communication involves people understanding each other. But small children are self-centered. They believe that others think, feel, see the situation the same way as they do, so it is difficult for them to enter into the position of another person, to put themselves in their place. It is the lack of mutual understanding between people that most often causes conflicts. This explains such frequent quarrels, arguments and even fights between children. Social competence is achieved through the child’s productive communication with adults and peers. For most children, this level of communication development can only be achieved in the educational process.

8. Basic principles of organizing the process of social education

· individual assistance in eliminating conflicts and critical

· situations in the social interaction of the individual, the value formation of his life relationships;

· nurturing in a person the abilities and needs to discover and create himself in the basic forms of human activity;

· development of the ability to know oneself in unity with the world, in dialogue with it;

· development of the ability of self-determination, self-actualization based on reproduction, assimilation, appropriation of the cultural experience of self-development of humanity;

· the formation of the need and ability to communicate with the world on the basis of humanistic values ​​and ideals, the rights of a free person.

Modern trends in the development of the education system in Russia are associated with the implementation of the request for optimal updating of its content and methods in accordance with the growing progress of society, science, and culture. The public order for the development of the education system is predetermined by its main goal - preparing the younger generation for active creative life in the world community, capable of solving global problems of humanity.

The current state of science and practice of preschool education indicates the presence of enormous potential in the development and implementation of programs and technologies for the social development of preschool children. This direction is reflected in the requirements of the state educational standard, included in the content of federal and regional comprehensive and partial programs ("Childhood", "I am a man", "Kindergarten - a house of joy", "Origins", "Rainbow", "I, you , we”, “Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture”, “Enduring values ​​of the small Motherland”, “Developing children’s ideas about history and culture”, “Community”, etc.). These programs allow us to uncover the problem of preschool development.

Analysis of existing programs allows us to judge the possibility of implementing certain areas of social development of preschool children.

Social development is a process during which a child learns the values, traditions of his people, and the culture of the society in which he will live. This experience is represented in the personality structure by a unique combination of four components that are closely interdependent:

1. Cultural skills - represent a set of specific skills that society imputes to a person in various situations as mandatory. For example: the skill of ordinal counting to ten before entering school. Learning the alphabet before school.

2. Specific knowledge - ideas received by a person in the individual experience of mastering the world around him and bearing the imprints of his interaction with reality in the form of individual preferences, interests, and value systems. Their distinctive feature is a close semantic and emotional relationship with each other. Their totality forms an individual picture of the world.

3. Role behavior - behavior in a specific situation determined by the natural and sociocultural environment. Reflects a person’s familiarity with norms, customs, rules, regulates his behavior in certain situations, determines his social competence. Even in preschool childhood, a child already has many roles: he is a son or daughter, a kindergarten student, someone’s friend. It is not for nothing that a small child behaves differently at home than in kindergarten, and communicates with friends differently than with unfamiliar adults. In each situation and environment, the child feels differently and tries to put himself from a different point of view. Each social role has its own rules, which can change and are different for each subculture, the system of values, norms, and traditions accepted in a given society. But if an adult freely and consciously accepts this or that role, understands the possible consequences of his actions and realizes responsibility for the results of his behavior, then the child has yet to learn this.

4. Social qualities, which can be combined into five complex characteristics: cooperation and concern for others, competition and initiative, autonomy and independence, social openness and social flexibility.

All components of social development are closely interconnected. Therefore, changes in one of them inevitably entail changes in the other three components.

For example: a child achieved acceptance into games by peers who had previously rejected him. His social qualities immediately changed - he became less aggressive, more attentive and open to communication. He felt like a person who was considered and accepted. His horizons have expanded with new ideas about human relationships and himself: I am also good, it turns out that children love me, children are not evil either, it’s fun to spend time with them, etc. After some time, his cultural skills will inevitably be enriched with new techniques for communicating with objects in the surrounding world , since he will be able to observe and try these techniques from his play partners. Previously, this was impossible, the experience of others was rejected, because the children themselves were rejected, the attitude towards them was unconstructive.

All deviations in the social development of a preschool child are the result of incorrect behavior of surrounding adults. They simply do not understand that their behavior creates situations in the child’s life that he cannot cope with, so his behavior begins to be antisocial.

The process of social development is a complex phenomenon, during which the child appropriates objectively given norms of human society and constantly discovers and asserts himself as a social subject.

The content of social development is determined, on the one hand, by the totality of social influences of the world level of culture, universal human values, and on the other hand, by the attitude of the individual himself to this, the actualization of his own “I”, and the disclosure of the creative potential of the individual.

How to promote the social development of a preschooler? We can suggest the following tactics for interaction between a teacher and children in order to form socially acceptable forms of behavior and assimilate the moral norms of society:

· discuss more often the consequences of the actions of a child or adult on the feelings and emotions of another person;

· highlight the similarities between different people;

· offer children games and situations in which cooperation and mutual assistance are necessary;

· involve children in discussing interpersonal conflicts arising on moral grounds;

Consistently ignore instances of negative behavior and pay attention to a child who behaves well;

· do not repeat endlessly the same demands, prohibitions and punishments;

· clearly formulate the rules of behavior. Explain why you should do this and not another.

The social experience to which a child is exposed from the first years of his life accumulates and manifests itself in social culture. The assimilation of cultural values, their transformation, contributing to the social process, is one of the fundamental tasks of education.

In relation to the content of preschool education in the aspect of social development, we can talk about the following sections of culture and the corresponding directions of organizing the pedagogical process: the culture of communication included in the content of moral education; psychosexual culture, the content of which is reflected in the sex education section; national culture, realized in the process of patriotic education and religious education; ethnic culture included in the content of international education; legal culture, the content of which is presented in the section on the fundamentals of legal consciousness. This approach may slightly limit the content of social development, omitting sections of environmental, mental, labor, valeological, aesthetic, physical, and economic education. But these approaches are fundamental in the social development of the child.

However, the process of social development presupposes the implementation of an integrated approach; the legitimacy of the conditional separation of these sections from the holistic pedagogical process is confirmed by one of the essential grounds associated with the social identification of a child in preschool age: species (child is a person), generic (child is a family member), gender ( a child is a bearer of a sexual essence), national (a child is a bearer of national characteristics), ethnic (a child is a representative of the people), legal (a child is a representative of the rule of law).

Social development of the individual is carried out in activity. In it, a growing person goes from self-distinction, self-perception through self-affirmation to self-determination, socially responsible behavior and self-realization.

Due to the specific development of mental processes and functions, identification of a preschooler is possible at the level of emotional experience that arises during comparison of oneself with other people. The effectiveness of social development as a result of socialization-individualization is determined by the influence of various factors. In the aspect of pedagogical research, the most important of them is education, the goal of which is familiarization with culture, its recreation, appropriation and creation. Modern studies of the personal development of a child (in particular, the team of authors who developed the basic program “Origins”) make it possible to supplement, specify the designated list and classify a number of basic personality characteristics as universal human abilities, the formation of which is feasible in the process of social development: competence, creativity, initiative, arbitrariness, independence, responsibility, safety, freedom of behavior, individual self-awareness, ability to self-esteem.

The social experience that a child joins from the first years of his life is accumulated and expressed in public culture. The study of cultural values, their transformation, contributing to the social process, is one of the fundamental tasks of education.

Of great importance in the process of mastering culture and in the formation of universal social abilities is the mechanism of copying as one of the ways to penetrate the semantic structures of human activity. Initially, by imitating the people around him, the child masters generally accepted methods of behavior, regardless of the characteristics of the communicative situation. Interaction with other people is not divided according to species, gender, gender, or nationality.

As mental activity is updated and the semantic spectrum of social interaction is enriched, the value of each rule and norm is realized; their use begins to be associated with a specific situation. Actions previously mastered at the level of mechanical imitation acquire a new meaning, socially filled with significance. Awareness of the value of socially oriented actions means the emergence of a new mechanism of social development - normative regulation, the influence of which in preschool age is inestimable.

The implementation of the tasks of social development of preschool children is most effective in the presence of a unified pedagogical system, built in accordance with the basic approaches of the general scientific level of pedagogical methodology.

· The axeological approach allows us to determine a set of priority values ​​in the education, formation and self-development of a person. In relation to the social development of preschool children, these can be the values ​​of communicative, national, and legal culture.

· The cultural approach allows one to take into account all the circumstances of the place and time in which a person was born and lives, the specifics of his immediate environment and the historical past of his country, city, and the basic value orientations of representatives of his people and ethnic group. The dialogue of cultures, which is one of the dominant paradigms of the modern education system, is impossible without familiarization with the values ​​of one’s culture. From childhood, parents teach their children the customs of their culture, unconsciously instilling in them a cultural development that the children, in turn, will pass on to their descendants.


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“Childhood is the period of a person’s life from newbornhood until he reaches psychological maturity, during which his social development occurs, his formation as a member of human society.
Social development is the process during which a child learns the values, traditions, and culture of the society in which he lives. By playing, studying, communicating with adults and peers, he learns to live next to others, take into account their interests, rules and norms of behavior in society, that is, he becomes socially competent.” (1)

What influences the social development of a small citizen?
Undoubtedly, this process occurs primarily in the family. After all, it is the family that is the main transmitter of knowledge, values, relationships, and traditions from generation to generation. The atmosphere of the family, the warm relationship between the child and parents, the style of education, which is determined by the norms and rules adopted in the family and which parents pass on to their children - all this has a huge impact on the social development of the child in the family.
But, if a child attends a preschool institution, then he spends most of his time in kindergarten, and then teachers and other workers are included in the process of his socialization.

“The teacher in the group is the most important person for the child. The child recklessly trusts the teacher, endows him with unquestionable authority and all conceivable virtues: intelligence, beauty, kindness. This is not surprising, since the whole life of a child in kindergarten depends on the Main Adult. In the eyes of a child, it is he who determines when he can play or go for a walk, draw or run, and when he needs to sit quietly and listen. He organizes all kinds of interesting games, dances, activities, performances, reads wonderful books, tells fairy tales and stories. He acts as the final authority in resolving children’s conflicts, he sets the rules, he knows everything and can help, support, praise, or may not notice, and even scold.” (2)

Since the teacher is a rather significant figure for the child, the teacher bears the main responsibility for shaping the child’s personality, his thinking and behavior.
In addition, he can largely compensate for the unfavorable influence of the family by correctly choosing tactics for interacting with the child and ways to control his behavior.
One of the main components of a child’s social development is the development of communication, establishing relationships, and forming friendships with peers.

Communication is the process of interaction between people. Today we will talk about pedagogical communication, which is understood as a system of interaction between a teacher and children with the goal of getting to know children, providing educational influences, organizing pedagogically appropriate relationships, and creating a microclimate in the group that is favorable for the child’s mental development.

“Experimental studies conducted under the leadership of M.I. Lisina showed that during the first seven years of life, several forms of communication between children and adults successively arise and replace each other” (3).

Initially occurs directly – emotional communication with loved ones adults. It is based on the child’s need for attention and a friendly attitude from others. Communication between an infant and adults occurs outside of any other activity and constitutes the leading activity of a child of a given age. The main means of communication are facial movements.

Present from 6 months to two years situational business form of communication between children and adults. The main feature of this type of communication should be considered the practical interaction between a child and an adult. In addition to attention and goodwill, the child also begins to feel the need for the cooperation of an adult (a request for help, an invitation to joint actions, etc.). This helps children recognize objects and master ways of operating with them.

Extra-situational-cognitive form communication present from 3 to 5 years. Signs of the manifestation of the third form of communication can be the child’s questions about objects and their various relationships. The most important means of communication at this stage is speech, because it alone opens up opportunities to go beyond the private situation. With this type of communication, the child discusses objects and phenomena of the world of things with adults. This includes news reports, educational questions, requests to read, stories about what they have read, seen, and fantasies. The main motive for this type of communication is the child’s desire to communicate with adults in order to obtain new information or discuss with them the possible causes of various phenomena in the surrounding world.

Present from 6 to 7 years old non-situational – personal form of communication. This form serves the purpose of understanding the social world of people. This type of communication exists independently and represents communicative activity in its “pure form.” The leading motives are personal motives. In this form of communication, the subject of discussion is the person. It is based on the child’s need for emotional support, his desire for mutual understanding and empathy.
Communication at each stage requires a certain level of knowledge and skills, i.e. competence. An adult in the eyes of a small person has high competence and is a model for him; The child perceives the norms of behavior and style of interaction of an adult as natural and, by analogy, builds his own style of communication. Peers play a significant role in this process. Therefore, the teacher must know how to build a communication process, be able to create a good atmosphere that characterizes the general situation in the children's team, which is determined by:

  1. relationships between the teacher and children;
  2. relationships between the children themselves.

A positive group climate occurs when children feel free to retain their individuality, but also respect the right of others to be themselves. The teacher significantly influences the microclimate of the group. In fact, it is he who creates this climate, an atmosphere of relaxedness, sincerity, taking the position of an equal partner. Undoubtedly, we are not talking about absolute equality, but about equivalence. The organization of space is of great importance for equal communication. In particular, when interacting with a child, it is advisable for the teacher to use the “eyes at the same level” position, which excludes the spatial dominance of the teacher. In addition, when organizing classes and conversations with children, it makes sense to sit or stand in such a way that all partners can see each other’s eyes (the optimal shape is a circle).

In order to establish a good microclimate in the group, you need to be sincerely interested in children as individuals, in their thoughts, experiences, and mood. We ourselves should be not indifferent to how children treat us, and in turn, we should treat them with respect, since respect for children is a signal that they are good, that they are loved.
When communicating with children, a teacher is not just a person who knows how to communicate. Competence in communication is an indicator of a teacher’s professionalism.
How to promote a child's social development?
First, encourage different forms of play. After all, “in preschool age, play is the leading activity, and communication becomes a part and condition of it. At this age, that relatively stable inner world is acquired, which gives grounds for the first time to call the child a personality, although not fully formed, but capable of further development and improvement” (4).

It is in play that the child’s powerful development occurs: all mental processes, emotional sphere, social skills. The difference between play and other types of activities is that it is focused on the process, not the result, and the child in the game enjoys the process itself. The game is quite attractive to him. We often see preschool children playing the same game for a very long time, continuing or starting it again and again, this happens over the next day, week, month and even a year later.
Role-playing play for preschool children makes it possible to create in a visually effective form the surrounding world that goes far beyond the child’s personal life. This activity reproduces the work and life of adults, the relationships between them, customs, traditions, significant events in their lives, etc.

From the point of view of D.B. Elkonin, “the game is social in its content, in its nature, in its origin (5).
The sociality of the role-playing game is determined by the sociality of the motives and the sociality of the structure. A preschooler cannot participate in the productive activities of adults, which gives rise to the child’s need to reproduce this activity in a playful way. The child himself wants to build houses, heal people, drive cars, etc., and thanks to the game, he can do this.
By creating an imaginary situation, using toys, substitute objects, in actions with which the relationships of adults are recreated, the child joins social life and becomes a participant in it. It is in play that children practice positive ways to resolve conflicts, find their position in communication with peers, give and receive support, approval or dissatisfaction from their partners, i.e. Children develop ways of adequate interaction.

The game educates children not only with its plot side. When it originates and unfolds, real relationships arise between children regarding the concept and course of the game: children discuss the content, roles, select game material, etc., they thereby learn to take into account the interests of others, give in, contribute to the common cause and etc. Relationships regarding play contribute to the development of moral motives of behavior in children, the emergence of an “internal ethical authority (6).

Play activities will truly become a means of socialization if our children know how to play, i.e. they will know what and how to play, and will have a variety of gaming materials. And our task is to provide them with playing space and paraphernalia, as well as teach them to play, encourage joint play with a kind word, a smile, and involve less popular children in joint activities. A large role in organizing the game is played by the children's community, in which the game rules, roles, methods of their distribution, storylines, etc. transmitted like the flames of a fire. However, if children do not play, do not know how to accept a role, or develop a plot, the teacher should think about it. The game is the result of the entire educational process, it is the face of the teacher, an indicator of his work, his professionalism.

The social development of a child is facilitated by activities, games, exercises, playing out situations, conversations aimed at studying society, getting acquainted with literature, art, music, discussing interpersonal conflicts, encouraging the moral actions of children, cases of cooperation, mutual assistance, monitoring the behavior of a child who, in any case should not infringe on his dignity.

The child’s assimilation of ethical standards and requirements, the formation of a humane attitude towards nature and the people around him is the social development of the child, which covers all his life activities in kindergarten.
Therefore, it is important for the teacher to remember that this process is long, complex and multifaceted: the tasks of developing the intellect, feelings, and moral foundations of the individual are solved in a complex manner and require from the teacher not only skill, but also his own experience, a pronounced attitude, because a teacher’s story about kindness, beauty, examples of mutual assistance, or playing out moral situations with a bad or indifferent mood is unlikely to evoke reciprocal feelings and form an appropriate attitude. This is our responsibility to the child.

But the teacher is not a well-oiled machine, not a judge or a magician, but no one except the teacher will do this job better, the teacher is the person who walks next to the child and leads him by the hand into the big world, this is the closest person in kindergarten.


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2. Yudina E.G., Stepanova G.B., Denisova E.N. Pedagogical diagnostics in kindergarten: A manual for teachers of preschool educational institutions. – M.: Education, 2003. – p.34.
3. Dubrova V.P., Milashevich E.P. Organization of methodological work in a preschool institution. – M.: New School, 1995. – p.81

4. Panfilova M.A. Game therapy of communication. Tests and correctional games. A practical guide for psychologists, teachers and parents. – M.: “Publishing house Gnome and D”, 2002. – p.15.

5. Elkonin D.B. Psychological games. – M.: Pedagogy, 1978, p.32.

6. Karpova S.N., Lysyuk L.G. Play and moral development. – M.: Education, 1986, p.17.