Authoritarian type of education in the family. Center for social assistance to families and children of the Nevsky district. Liberal, permissive parenting style

parenting styles

In each family, under the influence of various factors, a certain system of education is formed, which is by no means always realized by it. The most common classification of communication styles between parents and children is their division into the following styles: authoritarian (dictatorship), permissive (non-intervention) and democratic (cooperation). Many add hyper-custody to this list. Each of these styles has its own characteristics and affects the personal development of the child in different ways. Authoritarian style: Peculiarities Parents who adhere to this style demand high achievements from the child, punish failures, tightly control, invade the child’s personal space, suppress by force, decide for the child what is best for him, are not interested in the child’s personal opinion, do not recognize his rights. “As I said, so be it”, “I am a parent, so I am right.” With this style of upbringing, the child does not have the opportunity to take the initiative, since all issues related to his life are decided by the parent alone, without his participation. An authoritarian parenting style involves resolving conflicts using the “carrot and stick” method, prohibitions and threats, and not finding a compromise solution. Effects In adolescence, parental authority loses its power and the fear of parents that is characteristic of an authoritarian parenting style disappears. Therefore, in such families at this age, a large number of conflicts often arise, children become "uncontrollable", because. all previous means of parental influence lose their force. The characteristic features of the personality of a child brought up in an authoritarian style can be the following options: Option 1 - development of a weak life position:- loss of self-esteem; - loss of ability to make decisions, to be responsible for choice; - loss of one's own desires ("what do I want?"); Option 2 - the development of a despotic personality:- hatred of parents; - resolving issues only by force (whoever is stronger is right); - rude, cynical, despotic and boorish behavior and attitude towards others; - Increased aggression and conflict. Recommendations - Consider the position of the child, his motivations, desires and experiences. Try to put yourself in his place for a while! - Try to give instructions in the form of a proposal, not an order, an order. - Try not to speak dryly and detachedly, but in a confidential tone, emotionally. - Prohibitions and penalties should be clear to the child, discussed with him in advance and accepted by both parties (parents and child). - Any censure should be addressed not to the personality of the child, but to his specific actions. You can’t say “You are a deceiver!”, It is better to formulate the phrase as follows: “I was very unpleasant when I found out that in this situation you told a lie.” - Do not enter the child's room without knocking or in the absence of the owner. Do not touch his personal belongings. Try to respect your child's personal space, whatever it may be. - Do not eavesdrop on telephone conversations. - It is necessary to leave the teenager the right to choose friends, clothes, music, etc. - Sincerely explain how you feel when you are upset, but do not remember old, long-standing sins, but talk about today's situation. However, at the same time, never press, do not punish physically, do not humiliate. - Become more tolerant of the shortcomings of teenagers. Notice as often as possible in your child those virtues that are inherent in their nature. conniving style: Peculiarities With this style of upbringing, the parent forms “freedom”, independence and looseness in the child, allows him to do absolutely everything he wants, does not impose any restrictions. The parent does not help the teenager and does not interfere, does not take any part in the formation of the personality. The conniving style of communication involves non-intervention tactics, the basis of which, in fact, is indifference and disinterest in the child's problems. Common features of conniving and authoritarian communication styles, despite their seeming opposite, are distant relationships, lack of trust, obvious isolation, alienation, defiant emphasis on one's dominant position. Effects With a conniving style of education, the following options for personality development are possible: Option 1 - free, but indifferent:- independence - inability to intimacy and affection; - indifference towards loved ones ("these are not my problems, I don't care") - lack of desire to take care of someone, help, support; - little "spiritual warmth". Option 2 - a person "without brakes" and "without prohibitions":- rudeness and permissiveness; - theft, lies, debauchery; - irresponsibility, not the ability to "keep the word." Recommendations- Change the tactics of communication and attitude towards your child. Try to restore mutual trust and respect. - Install a system of prohibitions and get involved in the life of a teenager. - Help him to participate in the life of the family, clearly indicate the functional responsibilities of the child in the family, your requirements and expectations. - Create a family council, which would solve many problems of the whole family. - Show "heartfelt warmth" to the child, emphasize his importance to you and exclusivity, talk with him and ask for his opinion. - Remember that your child needs your sincere participation in his life! Overprotection: Peculiarities In a situation of overprotection, parents try to completely protect the child from all difficulties, to fulfill all his desires. They are very protective of the strength of the child, so that he does not overstrain, so they do all the household chores for him, and sometimes not only. Unlike authoritarian and permissive parenting styles, there is an emotional closeness with the child. However, it is precisely this closeness in this case that prevents parents from giving the child freedom for full development, the formation of a personality. In crisis, adolescence, the negative consequences of this style of education are most pronounced. During this period, the child needs to emotionally separate from the parents. In an overprotective family, such a separation is impossible or extremely painful. In adolescence, it is these children who most often “break down” and “revolt” against adults. The form of protest can be different - from cold politeness to active rebuff. Effects With overprotection, the following options for personality development are possible: Option 1 - "home despot":- exactingness and intolerance to the desires of others; - spoiledness and capriciousness, selfishness; - manipulation of others; - arrogance and arrogance; - waywardness. Option 2 - dependent person:- lack of initiative, helplessness; - succumbs to difficulties; - depends on the opinion of parents, unable to make their own decisions; - Difficulty interacting with peers. Recommendations- Do not give up control, without which it is impossible to educate a person, but keep guardianship to a minimum. - Do not demand from the child only the correct, from your point of view, actions, accept him as he is. - Help, but do not try to solve all the problems for him; - Encourage communication with peers. - Dose guardianship, dose freedom, dose praise and blame - this is one of the ways out in this situation. - Give your child independence and freedom of choice. He has the right to make mistakes and learn from them. Democratic style : Peculiarities With this style of communication, parents are focused on the personality of the child, his active role in the family, his own life. The child is brought up as an independent, original person. In contrast to the permissive style of education, this process is not left to chance, but takes place under the careful and sensitive control of parents. The main characteristics of this style: - mutual acceptance; - mutual orientation. Parents who adhere to this style are characterized by: - ​​an active-positive attitude towards the child; - an adequate assessment of its capabilities, successes and failures; - they are characterized by a deep understanding of the child, the goals and motives of his behavior; - the ability to predict the development of a child's personality. Effects With a democratic style of education, the most harmonious and versatile development of the child's personality takes place. Children brought up in such families are characterized by: - ​​The ability to independently make decisions and be responsible for their actions. - Initiative and purposefulness. - Ability to build close and friendly relationships with others. - Ability to negotiate, find compromise solutions. - The presence of one's own opinion and the ability to reckon with the opinions of others. Recommendations If you have managed to establish such relationships in your family, share your experience with others! Far from always, these styles are manifested in their pure form in the family. Parents use different parenting styles in different situations. For example, in a situation of conflict, parents act by the method of dictate, and in “peacetime”, on the contrary, they allow connivance. However, this alternation of styles, this inconsistency, also adversely affects the child. In the family, it is necessary to establish a single style of education that is understandable to the child, taking into account his needs and capabilities. Dear parents! Remember that your children will someday be parents and they will have, in due time, the same problem with their children that they now have with their parents, that is, with you. It is in your power to teach them the best ways to interact so that they can avoid the problems that you have in the future. And most importantly, remember that the most important thing for your child is your love and your respect!

As a rule, the authoritarian is not particularly warm. It is characterized by the predominance of the parent-child type of communication. Without exception, all decisions are made by adults (parents), who believe that their child must obey in everything and always.

Features of the authoritarian style
  1. In an authoritarian upbringing, parents show little or no love for their children. Therefore, from the side it often seems that they are a little removed from their offspring.
  2. Parents constantly give orders and indicate what and how to do, while there is no place for any compromise.
  3. In a family dominated by an authoritarian parenting style, such qualities as obedience, adherence to traditions and respect are especially valued.
  4. The established rules are never discussed. It is generally accepted that adults are right in all cases, so quite often disobedience is punished by physical means.
  5. Parents always limit independence, not considering it necessary to take into account his opinion. All this is accompanied by constant strict control.
  6. Children, due to the fact that they constantly obey orders, subsequently become lack of initiative. At the same time, authoritarian parents, as a result of raising their children, expect unjustified independence from them. Children, in turn, are rather passive, since all their actions come down to satisfying the needs of the parent.

Disadvantages of an authoritarian parenting style

The authoritarian style of family education has many disadvantages for children. So, already in adolescence, it is because of him that conflicts constantly arise. Those teenagers who are more active simply begin to rebel and do not want to fulfill parental assignments. As a result, children become more aggressive, and often leave the parental nest altogether.

Statistics confirm that boys from such families are more prone to violence. They tend to be insecure about themselves, constantly depressed, and the level is quite low. As a result, all hatred and anger is taken out on others.

Such relationships completely exclude the presence of spiritual intimacy between parents and children. In such families, there is no mutual affection, which ultimately leads to the development of alertness towards everyone around.

Therefore, in the process of education, it is very important to give the child freedom of action. However, this does not mean that he should be left only to himself.

The authoritarian parenting style is characterized by strict discipline, constant control and a large number of restrictions imposed on children. Thus, with an authoritarian style, parents exert strong psychological pressure on the child.
Despite this, even some famous educators find authoritarian parenting very effective. The use of an authoritarian parenting style has always caused heated discussions in scientific circles.
Some say that it contributes to the development of discipline and integrity, others argue that authoritarian parenting leads to various mental disorders in children. Let's try now to understand the positive and negative aspects of the authoritarian parenting style.

Families are an integral part of the social structure of human society. Parents and children are the most important part of the family, and their relationship determines the healthy development of the child. Being a parent means taking on certain responsibilities and solving complex problems in the upbringing and holistic development of the child's personality.

Psychologists have divided parenting styles into several different types. Education, as we know, is a difficult and everyday pedagogical work that has a profound impact on the mental and psychological development of the child. And if parents go out of their way to influence the child to live up to their best expectations, children may suffer from such an upbringing.

What is an authoritarian parenting style?

This style is based on extremely strict disciplinary rules set by parents for children, as well as minimal freedom for the child to make his own choices without regard to his personal opinion.

Usually, parents with an authoritarian parenting style want too much from their children, without encouraging their success and obedience in any way. These things are taken for granted. However, such parents provide good conditions for their child, however, they are very strict with their rules and regulations. Authoritarian parents often become absolute dictators for their children.

Authoritarian parenting: pros and cons

Proponents of authoritarian parenting claim in a "loud voice" the many benefits of authoritarian parenting. According to them, the children of those parents who have chosen an authoritarian style will be obedient and responsible, because they are always in an environment that requires strict discipline and hard work.

There is a certain amount of truth in this, but authoritarian parents tend to forget that they are dealing with developing, not yet fully formed personalities. Authoritarian parents certainly love their children, however, but they also forget the fine line between "love" and "blind love." Demanding unquestioning obedience from children, they build a serious obstacle to the development of the child's personality.

The disadvantages of authoritarian parenting are that it limits the development of free thinking. Children are forced to obey their parents in everything, regardless of their own preferences, likes and dislikes. This fosters negative personality traits such as low self-esteem, insecurity, and cowardice.

If parents are not ready to listen to the child, take into account his opinion and views, this leads to additional psychological pressure on the unformed personality. In the event that a child does something wrong, as required by the parents, severe punishment or other very serious consequences usually follow. In fact, the only incentive in an authoritarian parenting style is the fear of punishment or other sanctions, and this cannot be considered a positive factor.

Taken together, all this leads to mental disorders of the child, making him more vulnerable and cultivating a sense of guilt in him, as a result of which his own dignity is damaged. Authoritarian parenting leads to the fact that even children from wealthy and wealthy families eventually lose self-esteem and develop a severe inferiority complex.

The consequences of an authoritarian upbringing affect adulthood. Children brought up in this way tend to avoid activities that require independent decision-making. Also, the child can become a victim of bad habits. It should be understood that too many restrictions will lead to deep protest on the part of children and will push them to start doing what they are forbidden to do.

As they mature and increase in intelligence, children from authoritarian families may rebel against their parents. This will entail alienation not only from his family, but also the development of other psychological problems. A child may be detached from his parents, if not physically or financially, but at least emotionally. And even the words "mom" or "dad" spoken to the parents will not come from the heart of the child, and will be more of a habit than an expression of warmth and love.

The consequences of authoritarian upbringing are undoubtedly very detrimental, despite the fact that the basis of such upbringing is also a manifestation of concern for children and hope for their bright future. However, such a method can be disastrous for the future of children. Therefore, it is better to choose a parenting style that gives children unconditional love and support, but still maintains a certain level of strictness, thus maintaining balance. This is what will ultimately make children happy and successful.


Raising a child in a family is a difficult and responsible task that falls on the shoulders of parents. There are different parenting styles. And on which option is chosen, it depends on how a person will behave in adulthood. There are different styles, and each parent can choose one option. But at the same time, it should be understood: a small person is an individuality and any approach to his upbringing should be special. Be it an authoritarian parenting style or a democratic one.

Parents know their child like no one else. And only they can correctly choose one or another model of behavior with him. Find an approach to a particular situation. It is impossible to strictly follow any one principle without making certain adjustments. Also, don't forget - parent example is the most striking, and it is he who acts most strongly. The family is primarily responsible for the future fate of their pupils.

Parenting styles

The main models of behavior with minor family members used in society are listed below. Knowing about them and the consequences of the application, parents can choose the option that, in their opinion, is most suitable for a particular family.

It provides tight parental control not only over the actions of children, but also over their emotions. The authoritarian style of education provides for the imposition of serious restrictions on the behavior and emotional state of the offspring. That is, parents try to completely control the life of the pupil. It is even forbidden to cry in the family, as there is an opinion that this is a manifestation of weakness, which in no case should be shown and allowed at all.

As a result of this upbringing, children:

Over time, children from families with such a model of upbringing become lonely, withdrawn. Very often there are problems in the educational process. And the worst thing is that they cannot find a common language with their peers.

Democratic style

This style is considered one of the best methods. By using it, parents seem to encourage the child to become independent. Learn to take responsibility for your actions and words. In such a family, the guys are perfectly able to distinguish a good deed from a bad behavior. Parents in a family with this style try to:

  • Give a choice;
  • Teach your child to be responsible
  • Clearly explain your desire for a specific behavior of the baby;
  • They monitor the actions of the offspring and, if necessary, even punish them, but at the same time the child absolutely does not feel humiliated or offended.

In families with this model of behavior, children take an active part in family councils and making certain decisions. Mistakes made by the child are discussed with him. This contributes to the fact that a small person learns to understand how to behave in a certain situation.

Whatever the son or daughter does, they try to see it as a lesson in life and not an extra reason for punishment. Democratic style leads to obedience, good behavior, which, in turn, are generously rewarded. Kids in such families, as a rule, are very capable, as they know how to reveal their talents. In addition, they can make the right choice, independently correct their behavior.

conniving style (disparaging)

In fact, this is not even a style, but the absence of any upbringing. That is , the child is left to itself. Moms and dads in such families believe that if they dressed and fed the child, bought him the most necessary things, they fulfilled their mission. Children do what they want, no one cares about them. Nobody pays attention to them. As a result - a complete lack of obedience, irresponsibility. The worst thing is that such children very often suffer from psychological stress. It is better to apply an authoritarian model of behavior than a conniving one.

Liberal style (permissive)

The complete opposite of an authoritarian regime. Parents give their children complete freedom of action. Such a family does not interfere in the affairs of a person, providing the opportunity to control his own life. The liberal model frees children from strict limits, rules and restrictions. Even if some requirements are put forward for the child in the family, they are quite soft, unobtrusive.

Such boundless love does not provide for punishment even for the worst deeds, whether it be hysteria, complete disobedience, and so on. The little man gets:

  • Complete freedom of action;
  • The ability to independently choose a model of behavior;
  • Make decisions independently;
  • The ability to intentionally do wrong.

At the same time, at the right time, parents are always ready to help and protect from fatal situations. Moms and dads in such a family firmly believe that children should learn life themselves, exclusively by personal experience.

Emotional style

This is an absolutely unique model of the relationship between parents and children, which is also the complete opposite of the authoritarian style. A family with this model focuses on educating the child's senses. If the children do something wrong, the parents do not sort out the situation with him, why it happened. And they sympathize with him.

Adhering to this style, moms and dads want to become emotionally closer to the baby. They in no way prevent the child from expressing certain feelings, but on the contrary, they even encourage the expression of emotions.

Any situation in the life of a baby that provokes an emotional outburst, as it were, gives parents the opportunity to get closer to their children. Help in solving a particular problem, but no one gives out a ready-made solution.

This parenting model results in children having few behavioral problems. They simply learn to deal with their emotions on their own. And already in adulthood, in many situations it helps a lot.

Some parents use several styles at once in raising crumbs, combining an authoritarian style and a liberal one. On the one hand, this is even good, since it is possible to determine which model of parental behavior has a better effect on the behavior of children.


It should be remembered that parenting styles are not an axiom. Here you can really combine different options. And that's what most families do. It’s hard enough to stick to one style of parenting. There are many situations in life and act according to the situation. Of course, there are families that strictly adhere to a certain model. But at the same time, it cannot be said that children in such cells of society are completely happy and feel comfortable, unless, of course, we are talking about a democratic style of education.

In any case, how to raise a baby is up to his parents, but before choosing one or another model of behavior, you should still take into account - first of all, you need to think about the future of children. After all, what will be laid in them now will be firmly rooted in adulthood.

The moment when a child appears in the family is also the moment when parents begin to form their own parenting style. Despite the fact that in nature there are no identical families, there are only 4 styles of parenting. As a rule, parents adhere to one of them unconsciously, not even suspecting that there is a classification that defines characteristics and behaviors. The style of behavior with children can change from year to year, for example, parents often decide to enroll in parenting courses or read a few books. And yet, most often, the style of family education is formed from the parents' own understanding of how children should be raised, what is good and what is bad.

In fact, the character, behavior, and sometimes the fate of their child depends on what style of upbringing the parents adhere to. A great influence on the formation of the personality of children is influenced by the atmosphere in which they grow up, as well as parental behavior, communication style.

What influences the style of family education?

  • performance in elementary, middle and high school;
  • sexual activity during adolescence and after;
  • the likelihood of falling into a "bad company" and the risk of involvement in crime;
  • inclination or lack of inclination to cruelty, immoral acts;
  • tendency to abuse alcohol, drugs;
  • self-esteem, understanding one's own desires and preferences.

Parenting Styles: Distinguishing Features

BrainApps will go into detail about each parenting style so you can evaluate and analyze them, compare them, and choose the one that suits you best. If you already have children, you will be able to understand what style your parenting method belongs to, notice your own mistakes, shortcomings, and most importantly, correct them. So you can definitely provide your child with a happy childhood and at the same time bring up a developed, decent, versatile personality.

Authoritarian parenting style

For parents who adhere to an authoritarian type of upbringing, in the first place are not the interests of the child, but his successful, prosperous future. Based on their life experience, mom and dad decide on their own what is better for a child to wear, how to say, what to do, what to do. At the same time, the desires of the child himself are perceived as something unimportant, insignificant. In the head of such parents there is a certain goal, for example: a child who studies only for 5s, or a child who entered a medical school and studied to be a doctor. By all means, in their opinion, the child must achieve this goal, and it does not matter that, for example, he does not want to become a doctor at all.

Strictness and drill turn upbringing in the family into constant suppression of the child, coercion and even violence. Nothing should distract from the process of achieving great goals, so every step, word, action of the child is controlled.

What are the consequences of authoritarian upbringing of a child in a family?

First of all, the personal space of the baby suffers. His will, desires, personality are suppressed. The child grows up in an authoritarian environment, where he does not have the right to decide even small things, for example, what hairstyle will be collected in his hair, or which way to go home from school.

With an authoritarian parenting style, young children obey their parents almost unquestioningly, as they are driven by fear. In adolescence, problems often arise: the authority of the parent is questioned, scandals become more frequent, the teenager seeks to act contrary to adults, if only to defend his own opinion. Depending on his own character, the child grows into a person who:

  1. Has a weak position in life, does not understand what he wants, does not know how to make decisions. It is often said about people who grew up in an authoritarian family atmosphere that they do not have their own opinion, the ability to be responsible for their actions and actions. Out of habit, such people strive to please others, to obey, they try their best to justify other people's expectations.
  2. He adopted the behavior of his parents and elevated it to an absolute. The authoritarian style of upbringing in the family causes a desire to confront and resist, because of which an aggressive, conflict, rude personality is formed. Such people prefer to resolve issues by force, they do not respect others, they are distinguished by cynical and even despotic behavior. In addition, they often feel hostility, and sometimes hatred for their parents.

How to smooth out authoritative style?

  • learn to reckon with the desires of the child, try to understand his feelings and motives;
  • order and force less often, ask and offer more often;
  • explain your actions, tell why the punishment followed, why you want the child to fulfill the request and do as you wish;
  • give the child the opportunity to independently choose friends, clothes, music, based on their own preferences and tastes;
  • try to accept the fact that the child may have shortcomings, focus your attention on the merits.

Liberal, permissive parenting style

We can say that this type of family education is the opposite of authoritarian. In such a family, warm, friendly relations can be maintained between parents and children, but discipline is very lame. Parents who adhere to the liberal family upbringing of children are not inclined to have high expectations, the most important thing for them is the happiness of the child. Like the authoritarian style, liberal is not a very good extreme. Parents, in pursuit of the happiness and comfort of their child, forget about discipline and punishment. They do not set acceptable limits of behavior and strive to do absolutely everything so that the child or adolescent has the opportunity to express themselves.

Another version of the liberal style of parenting is when parents are not particularly interested in parenting in general, they let growth and development take its course. On the one hand, this enables the child to develop independently, on the other hand, it creates an abyss between the parent and the child.

What are the consequences of a liberal upbringing of a child in a family?

If the authoritarian style of dealing with children causes the appearance of rude or dependent people, then the liberal one causes the appearance of “unloved” or too detached. The following options for personal development are possible:

  1. An independent, self-confident person, who, however, is distinguished by some detachment. Does not want to think about others, does not understand too much how to show closeness, affection. Such people go through life alone, not wanting to support, help, take care of loved ones and just people around them.
  2. People who are accustomed to living outside the social framework. They believe that everything is possible for them, it is not necessary to adhere to the rules and norms of behavior. Quite often, such individuals choose criminal "professions" for themselves, they are distinguished by irresponsibility and inability to keep their word.

How to smooth liberal style?

The liberal style of parenting is not optimal, does not contribute to the growth of a physically and psychologically healthy person. If the approach to parenting described above is all too familiar to you, here are some tips:

  • spend more time with your child, be interested in him, your task is to establish a trusting, warm, but not devoid of parental authority, relationship;
  • get involved in the child’s life, establish at least simple rules that would teach the child to discipline, for example, that you need to come home no later than 9-10 pm, and before you sit down to play games, you need to wash the dishes and do homework.

Custodial parenting style (hyper-custodial)

A similar parenting style appears in families where parents are very worried about their child. Of course, because the son or daughter is still very young, they cannot solve their problems on their own, they need to be protected, patronized, something bad can happen!

The upbringing of children in such a family is largely based on restrictions. To prevent something from happening to the child, he is forbidden, for example, to walk on the street in the evening, communicate with “unfavorable” children, and sometimes they are not even allowed to play sports.

In general, overprotection can manifest itself in different ways. This is the desire, usually of mothers, to “tie” the child to themselves, not to let go, to constantly look after and control. Sometimes overprotection manifests itself in excessive concern for health. Another common form of nurturing parenting style is when a child grows up, stops into a teenager, and is still treated as small and not independent.

What are the consequences of fostering a child in a family?

The style of upbringing in the family largely determines the lifestyle of all members, which means it affects the environment in which the child grows up. Often overprotective parents seek to protect the child from difficulties, sometimes these difficulties are just home and school duties. Overprotection leads to the emergence of the following personalities:

  1. A person who thinks he is better than others. Because of the patronizing type of upbringing, he is used to manipulating others, treats people distrustfully, arrogantly. He does not like to work too much, but he is demanding of others and does not want to reckon with other people's opinions.
  2. A dependent, dependent person who is not able to cope with difficulties and problems. He does not show initiative, is helpless, even in adulthood he consults with mom or dad on every issue.

How to smooth out hyper-custody?

If you notice a protective parenting style behind you, don’t beat yourself up, because you just took care of the child and wanted the best. However, the approach to raising children will have to be worked on:

  • find a middle ground, even the most independent baby needs parental care, but do not overdo it;
  • do not strive to completely, independently solve the problems of the child, it is better to give advice and help in overcoming difficulties;
  • do not limit the communication of children only with the family, let them communicate more often with peers;
  • in family relationships, children need discipline, but do not forget about freedom, give the child the opportunity to exercise independence.

Authoritative or democratic parenting style

Finally, we have come to the most successful style of family education, thanks to which harmonious, independent people who are not isolated from society grow up. Authoritative parenting is balanced, parent and child accept and understand each other. To some extent, this type of parenting is similar to liberal, but there is one significant difference: parenting is not left to chance, but takes place under sensitive, but unobtrusive control.

The authoritative style of family education implies that the child is an independent and original person. In the family, children communicate, make moderate disciplinary demands, provide love and support, pin hopes, but do not force them to achieve goals.

With this family parenting style, parents tend to talk to their children, explain requirements, discuss problems and omissions. To avoid coercion, adults give logical, reasonable arguments and defend their case.

What are the consequences of authoritative parenting in the family?

If a child was lucky to grow up in a family where an authoritative parenting style was applied to children, most likely he is an independent person who knows how to make decisions, is not afraid of responsibility for his actions. He is distinguished by the ability to set goals and strive for them, is not afraid to take the initiative, builds relationships with people around him based on respect and mutual understanding. He knows what a compromise is and how to find it, and, having his own opinion, he accepts the opinion of the people around him.

If your style of family education is democratic, we will not give you advice. You already show miracles of understanding your child, adequately assess his capabilities, play an active, positive role in his life.